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President Obama Met with Gulf Cooperation Council To Discuss Security Issues and Ease Tensions PRESIDENTIAL VISIT TO GCC April 21, 2016 | Ben Booker Source:

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Presentation on theme: "President Obama Met with Gulf Cooperation Council To Discuss Security Issues and Ease Tensions PRESIDENTIAL VISIT TO GCC April 21, 2016 | Ben Booker Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 President Obama Met with Gulf Cooperation Council To Discuss Security Issues and Ease Tensions PRESIDENTIAL VISIT TO GCC April 21, 2016 | Ben Booker Source: Ted Grajeda, “Iran,” “Syria,” “Yemen,” “Libya” Noun Project; White House, “United States-Gulf Cooperation Council Second Summit Leaders Communique,” April 21, 2016; Hala Aldosari, “What to Expect From Obama’s GCC Summit?” Al Jazeera, April 21, 2016. TopicDetails Regional stability between Iran and GCC Reaffirmed commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Iran Nuclear Deal Continued efforts to thwart Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Libya) Ending regional conflicts peacefully Support for Syrian ceasefire plan and removal of Bashar al-Assad Agree to abide by ceasefire between Saudi Arabia and GCC coalition and Yemen Support the new Government of National Accord for Libya Bolstering Counter- terrorism efforts Renewed support against ISIL and Al-Qaeda Greater information sharing and Special Forces coordination Main Topics of Discussion Between U.S. and GCC Doing Damage Control Part of the trip was meant to ease tensions with GCC states who feel President Obama does not treat them with enough respect. The most recent example of this was the recent cover article for The Atlantic in which Obama openly discussed his frustration with GCC leaders who he called “free riders” and not doing enough to counter violent extremism.

2 Even as Tensions Rise, U.S. Has Sold $33 Billion Worth of Military Equipment to GCC Countries April 21, 2016 | Ben Booker Source: Awad Mustafa and Aaron Mehta, “State: $33 Billion in GCC Weapon Sales in 11 Months,” Defense News, March 25, 2016; Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Fiscal Year Series as of September 30, 2014,” Department of Defense, September 30, 2014. PRESIDENTIAL VISIT TO GCC Amount of U.S. Weapon Sales to GCC in Billions of Dollars Who is in GCC? Bahrain Kuwait Saudi Arabia Oman Qatar United Arab Emirates (UAE) ■ FY 2014 ■ May 2015-Present

3 GCC Countries Spend Tens of Billions of Dollars on Defense April 21, 2016 | Ben Booker Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, “Military Expenditures 2015,” April 21, 2016. PRESIDENTIAL VISIT TO GCC Amount of Military Expenditures in 2014 in Billions of Dollars *Iran is not a GCC country, but is the principal regional rival for GCC

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