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Does the Military Help or Harm a Soldier in their Civilian Life? By: Jacquelin Gonzalez.

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Presentation on theme: "Does the Military Help or Harm a Soldier in their Civilian Life? By: Jacquelin Gonzalez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Does the Military Help or Harm a Soldier in their Civilian Life? By: Jacquelin Gonzalez

2 Introduction In the United States military, a civilian is transformed into a soldier. They will develop new skills, be discipline. They will become stronger physically and mentally. Along the way they will be rewarded, but the fight and trouble will stay with them.

3 Benefits The G.I. bill will pay for the soldier's college and rent, but if they decided to not attend to college and stay in active duty, then their G.I. bill will transfer to their spouse or children. The government will pay for the soldier’s vacation, which means flight tickets are free. Soldier’s are provided with free health care. While on active duty soldiers are stationed in Europe and Asia.

4 What is PTSD? PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. American soldiers may face combat, where they will be exposed to terrifying, life-threating experiences. They might have been shot at, seen a friend get shot, or seen death in front of their eyes. (McDonald, 2015) Soldiers exposed to these type of events will lead to PTSD.

5 Statistics According to Veterans Affairs 23% of female soldiers reported sexual assault in the military. However, 38% of male soldiers experienced sexual assault and 55% of females. (VA, 2016) According to the PTSD Foundation of America, 245 soldiers killed themselves in 2009. On an average five active- duty troops attempt suicide each day.

6 Symptoms After war and soldiers returned to their civilian life, about 20 percent of those soldiers will have PTSD. Some symptoms they will conceive are nightmares, flashbacks from the war as if they were relieving the event. They will avoid situations that remind them of the event. For example, huge crowds, avoid driving, or seeking for help.

7 Treatments PTSD cannot be cured but there are treatments. There are medications to manage anxiety and depression. As well for therapy can help soldiers with PTSD.

8 What increases the risk of a soldier having a PTSD? Longer deployment time Lower rank Not being married More severe physical injuries Female gender Family problems Lower level of school

9 My Opinion I believe people who go into the service will received different types of benefits. From money to schooling to buying a home, but along the way they will face events that most civilians do not see day by day. For example seeing a friend being shot or even killed. Yes the United States military do have benefits but there is a price to everything if it is money or a soldier’s life.

10 Sources How PTSD Became a Problem Far Beyond the Battlefield. (n.d.). Retrieved January 5, 2016, from home-sebastian-junger home-sebastian-junger PTSD: National Center for PTSD. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2016, from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2016, from health/post-traumatic-stress-disorder health/post-traumatic-stress-disorder PTSD: National Center for PTSD. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2016, from

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