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This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering.

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Presentation on theme: "This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering."— Presentation transcript:

1 This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering.


3 Sponsor The official sponsor of [your opera]

4 Please unwrap candies and turn off cell phones at this time. Photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. Supertitles provided by Chadwick Creative Arts


6 - Where is Blanche? - I don't know. Why the devil don't you first go to the maids, instead of bursting in without warning like some Turk?

7 A thousand pardons.

8 At your age, it's fine to be gruff, just like it's natural to be calm and mellow at mine.

9 Your uncle's surprise visit deprived me of my mid-day nap, so I was relaxing a moment… or dozing a bit perhaps.

10 But what do you want with Blanche?

11 Roger de Damas was on his way, but had to turn back. He would have been stopped by a mob of angry peasants.

12 - I heard they will burn the effigy of Réveillon in front of his palace. - Let them burn it.

13 When wine is cheap and plentiful, you can depend on Spring to turn their heads and cause trouble. Have no fear, it will pass.

14 If I could dare to make a feeble joke in your presence…

15 Your prophecy might not be so accurate, with respect to my sister's carriage.

16 Damas saw the carriage surrounded below the road near Bucy.

17 The crowd… the carriage… I beg your pardon, these are the images that haunt my troubled dreams at night.

18 I hear much talk of rebellion, sometimes even revolution! But if you've never seen a crowd in panic, you don't know what fear is.

19 Those terrified faces with contorted features… thousands of eyes!

20 How well I recall young Dauphin's wedding. Everyone was watching the fireworks.

21 Suddenly some of them caught fire and exploded. That kind of panic can drive a crowd to frenzy.

22 Your mother quickly locked the door of our carriage. The carriage was surrounded, a window was smashed…


24 The soldiers arrived just in time and came to our rescue.

25 Later that night, in the stillness of this house, your mother died after giving birth to Blanche.

26 Sir, you must forgive me. I should have known better. Once again I spoke like a complete fool.

27 Bah! Look at me, getting all excited exactly like you.

28 My carriage is sturdy, my horses are afraid of nothing. Antoine has been with us twenty years.

29 I assure you, your sister will come to no harm.

30 I'm not concerned for her safety. But, as you know, Blanche is high strung and assumes the worst.

31 Blanche is only sensitive and a little intense. A happy marriage is all she needs.

32 Come now, any beautiful girl has the right to be nervous.

33 Have patience! You will soon enough have a nephew as wild as a thousand little devils.

34 Believe you me, Blanche's life is endangered by more than just fear. Deep within she's very ill.

35 My, my! You sound exactly like a superstitious fool. Blanche seems cheerful enough, even quite jolly at times.

36 Without a doubt, there are moments where she fools me. I'd believe she was well, but I see signs of her illness deep in her eyes.

37 When Blanche and her companion return, you'll laugh at your anxiousness, and she'll forget her own.

38 You mean to say she only had a fright, nothing more?

39 When it comes to Blanche, the thought of fear fills me with foreboding.

40 Here is a girl that is noble and proud. Yet fear destroys her, like worms destroy fruit! - Nonsense!

41 - Blanche, your brother eagerly awaits your return. - He is too kind to his little bunny rabbit.

42 You shouldn't so often repeat a secret nickname which makes sense to no one else.

43 Lambs are not in the habit of spending time away from home.

44 I should have felt at home in my carriage, but a fragile window separating little me from those people seemed inadequate protection.

45 - I must have looked ridiculous. - Monsieur de Damas, who saw you, said you looked perfectly calm.

46 He only saw what we wished him to see.

47 So you believe I was calm? My God, one jumps into danger as into the ocean.

48 It knocks breath from your body, then it becomes quite refreshing once you're in up to your neck.

49 The service at the convent this morning was quite long. I'm afraid it left me utterly exhausted.

50 Undoubtedly, that is the reason for all of my nonsense.

51 And now, with your permission, father, I will go to my room a while and rest before supper.

52 - It's darker than usual tonight. - I believe a storm is approaching.




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