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Module 11 Unit one Language points. Important words and phrases reflect option suited ambition regardless fancy go through go about clear up correspond.

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1 Module 11 Unit one Language points

2 Important words and phrases reflect option suited ambition regardless fancy go through go about clear up correspond to/with with 复合结构

3 reflect v. She looked at her face _______ in the mirror. ① reflect sb/sth (in sth) (指镜子等)映出某人 / 某物的影像 reflected treesreflected in a lake trees reflected in a lake 湖中映出的树影 ② reflect sth (from sth) 反射(光﹑ 热﹑ 声) : The pavement reflected the heat /light. 1.The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect.

4 reflect ③反映, 表达 The language of a people often reflects its characteristics. Almost every article reflects the opinions or views of its author. reflect on 思考 花点儿时间来反思你的成功与失败 Take some time to reflect on your successes and failures.

5 reflection n. 1) 深思 (consideration) reflection n. 1) 深思 (consideration) Many working women have little time for reflection. on / upon reflection 经考虑 / 深思 经过一番考虑后,她决定接受他的帮助。 Upon reflection, she decided to accept his offer of help.

6 The rising crime rate is a reflection of an unsteady society. an unsteady society. one’s reflection in the water/ mirror 2) n. 反映 3) 反射, 倒影

7 Your ______ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn. ( 浙江 2012 ) A.operationB. growth C. performanceD. character

8 Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values …(09 北京阅读 D ) The play next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture . (09 安徽) A . produced B . being produced C . to be produced D. having been produced Without the forest cover , these areas would reflect more heat into the atmosphere , warming the rest of the world… (09 安徽阅读 E )

9 2. Maybe a career as a local grocer would be a better option. better option. 他没什么选择余地。 There weren’t many options available to him. option n. ( 在特定情况下可作出的 ) 选择 在那时, 参军似乎是最佳选择. Joining the army seemed like the best option at the time. option at the time.

10 leave/keep one’s option open leave/keep one’s option open have no option/choice/alternative but to do sth. These people have no option but________ (take) low paid work. (take) low paid work. 暂时不做决定 / 选择 ; 留有选择余地 to take

11 optional adj. 可选择的 optional adj. 可选择的 They decided that their freedom was no longer optional. optional / elective subjects compulsory/ required subjects 选修课 必修课

12 …be suited to/for sb.... 适合某人 She had the ability to suit her performances to the audience. Her performances ________________ the audience. are suited to/ are suitable for = be suitable to/for sb. 3.I am going to discuss some of the choices available to you and which jobs are best suited to you.

13 Instead, we should choose a story suited to the child’s __54__(interest), and make eye contact ( 接触) to create “a personal experience”.(09 福建完形) Kitchen and dining room are not so well suited for regular study, since books and pens get in the way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. ( 09 辽宁)

14 4.Many people have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer or business person, but they do not consider the stress and pressure that come with these jobs. have an ambition to do sth achieve / fulfill / realize an ambition 有抱负的年轻律师 an ambitious young lawyer an ambitious young lawyer ambition n. 野心 ; 雄心 ; 志愿 ; 抱负 ambition n. 野心 ; 雄心 ; 志愿 ; 抱负 ambitious adj. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的 ambitious adj. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的

15 辨析 : stress and pressure 紧张和压力 辨析 : stress and pressure 紧张和压力 stress – worry ( 来自内部 ) pressure – strong influence ( 来自外部 ) They are putting ________ on people to vote yes. They are putting ________ on people to vote yes. Janet's been under a lot of _________ since her mother's illness. I am under _________ from my parents to become a doctor. I am under _________ from my parents to become a doctor. pressure stress pressure

16 5.All these people love..., which might not be popular, but are interesting regardless. regardless adv. 不顾后果地,不管怎样, 无论如何 regardless adv. 不顾后果地,不管怎样, 无论如何 我极力反对,但她置之不理一意孤行。 I opposed, but she carried on regardless. She carried on ______________ my opposition. opposition.. regardless of regardless of

17 The art show was _______ being a failure; it was a great success. ( 09 天津) A. far from B. along with C. next to D. regardless of ______ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dished. (2011 福建) A. Far from B. Apart from C. instead of D. Regardless of

18 fancy v. 喜欢,认为 I fancy (that) it's going to rain today. He fancies she likes him. What do you fancy for supper? Sorry, but I don't fancy going out tonight. 通常用於祈使句, 表示惊奇﹑ 不相信﹑ 震惊等 6. This job seems a bit plain, so I really don’t fancy it. Fancy her being so rude! 她竟如此放肆 ! Fancy never having seen the sea! 竟然从未见过大海 !

19 fancy oneself (as sth) 自命不凡 ; 自负 She rather fancies herself as a singer. 她自以为是了不起的歌手。

20 fancy n. 想像力(尤指对非现实的事物) the novelist's fancy 小说家的想像力 I have a fancy that he will be late. 我感觉他要迟到. I have a fancy for some wine tonight. 我 今晚想喝点酒。 渴望 ; 喜爱

21 catch/take sb's fancy 合某人的心意 ; 吸引某人 take a fancy to sb/sth 喜欢上﹑ 爱上某人 / 某物(常无明显原因) She saw a dress in the shop window and it caught her fancy immediately. I’ve suddenly taken a fancy to detective stories. 我突然喜欢上了侦探小说。

22 fancy cakes/goods 精美的蛋糕 [ 物品 ] That's a very fancy pair of shoes! 那是一双非常别致的鞋 ! fancy ideas, prices 过分的想法﹑ 高昂的价格. fancy vegetables 精选的蔬菜 fancy dogs, pigeons 品种珍奇的狗﹑ 鸽子等 fancy adj.

23 go through ① 遭受,经历 ( 困难, 痛苦 ) Iraq has gone through two wars. The company is going through a tough time at the moment. 7.As we go through our daily lives, we meet many different kinds of people---shop assistant….and cleaners, who clear up our rubbish..

24 ② 仔细检查, 审查 She went through the room but couldn’t find the missing ring. ③ 通过某场所 Can the table go through the door? ④用完, 用掉 He went through all the money he had saved. ⑤看一遍, 做一遍, 练一遍 He went through the magazine quickly. ⑥通过, 成交 The law has now gone through. I hear that the deal went through.

25 clear up clear up ①整理;收拾 ? Would you clear up this room before our visitors arrive? ②做完, 处理掉 I have some letters which I must clear I have some letters which I must clear up before I leave tonight.

26 ③使清楚, 解决 Maybe we can clear up your problem. ④晴朗起来, 开朗起来 The weather has cleared up; we can go out.

27 8.These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives. their daily lives. go about (doing) sth. 开始做某事物 ; 处理某事物 ; 着手於某事物 I want to learn German but I don't know I want to learn German but I don't know the best way to go about it. the best way to go about it. Despite the threat of the war, people _________________________________. 尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。 went about their work as usual

28 忙于日常事务 go about one’s daily routine start to do sth; set about doing sth; set out to do sth; get down to doing; take to (doing) sth.

29 9.Find the letter which you choose the most often and look at the description which corresponds with it below. correspond with/to 符合, 相一致 你说的情况跟她说的相符. Your account of events corresponds with hers. correspond to … 相当于, 等于 The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当於英国的议会.

30 correspond (with sb. ) 通信 He hasn’t seen or corresponded with his children in six years. correspondence n. When you send a fax you are sending a copy of a piece of correspondence to someone by telephone service. (陕西)

31 10.In reality, these people have to spend long hours…, with all their baggage packed in suitcases or trunks… with 的复合结构常在句中作状语,构成: 形容词/副词/ 介词短语/ with + 名词/代词 + V -ing 形式/ 过去分词/ 动词不定式

32 2.With the machine _____all the time, we finished harvesting crops in time. A. to work B. worked C. working D. being working 1.With the man ______ us ahead, we had no trouble finding the village. A. to guide B. guiding C. guided D. to have guide

33 3.With a lot of work_____, she doesn’t have time to rest. A. to do B. to be done C. doing D. done 4.The street looks more beautiful with all the lights _____. A. are on B. on C. to be on D. been on 5.With his work______, the secretary began to walk home. A. to do B. doing C. done D. to be done

34 7.We felt uncomfortable with two waitresses_______. A. standing by B. to be standing by C. stood by D. being standing by 6.With our problem ________, we all felt happy. A. to settle B. to be settled C. settled D. being settled

35 8.She left the offices with tears ________. A. in her eyes B. in eyes C. being in eyes D. to be in eyes 9.The man found the door with both his eyes ______. A. to be closed B. being closed C. closed D. closing

36 11.The murderer was brought in, with his hands________. A. to be tied behind B. tied behind C. tying behind D. being tied behind

37 12. Do you know the man ______ a book in his hand? A. with B. having C.being D.A and B 13. Please offer your seat to the woman _____ a baby in her arms. A. carrying B. having C. with D. all the above

38 Important sentences

39 2. 在本文中我将谈论一些你可以选择的工 作以及你最适合什么工作这个问题。 (line 3) In this article, I am going to discuss some of the _______ _______ to you and which jobs are _______ ________ to you. choices available best suited 1. 高中的最后一年是勤奋学习的时刻也是 认真思考的时刻。 ( line 1) The last year of high school is a time ____ _____ ______ and also a time ___ ________. for hard work for reflection

40 3. 实际上,这些人不得不把所有的行李都 塞进手提箱或大箱子,花很长时间在路上 奔波,而其中只有极少数人是成功的。 (line 11) _____ ______, these people have to spend long hours ________(travel), with their baggage ________(pack) in suitcases or trunks, and only __ _____ ______ __ them are successful. In reality travelling packed a small number of

41 4. 许多人雄心勃勃,要成为成功的律师或 者商界人士,却没有考虑这些工作带来的 紧张和压力。 (Line 22) Many people ___ __________ to become a successful lawyer or business person, but they do not take into ____________ the stress and pressure _____ by these jobs. Many people have ________ to become successful as a lawyers or business person, but they do not consider the stress and pressure that ______ _______ these jobs. are ambitious consideration caused ambitions come with

42 5. Sometimes as a boss in the business world, you have to make difficult decisions that hurt people, and lawyers can face tough moral problems. (Line 25) Sometimes _______ a boss in the business world _______ having to make difficult decisions that are _______, and being a lawyer can ______ facing tough moral issues. being means hurtful involve

43 6. As we ___________ our daily lives( 过着日常生活 ), we meet many different kinds of people--- shopkeepers, who sell us things in shops ; drivers, who drive trams and buses transporting us around the city; barbers, who cut our hair in barbershops, and cleaners, who _________( 清理) our rubbish. go through clear up who

44 Important phrases

45 1. 认真思考的时刻 a time for reflection a time for reflection 2. 最适合你的工作 the job best suited to you the job best suited to you 3. 考虑一个工作的方方面面 consider all the aspects of a job 4. 事实上 in reality / in fact / actually / as a matter of fact 5. 把所有的行李都塞进行李箱或大箱子 with all the baggage packed in suitcases or trunks

46 7. 应对无休止的媒体关注 deal with constant media attention deal with constant media attention 8. 承受着巨大的压力要变得年轻 be under huge pressure to appear young be under huge pressure to appear young 9. 随工作而来的压力 the stress and pressure that come with the the stress and pressure that come with the job job 6. 保有普通的、不那么令人向往的工作 来养活自己 hold ordinary, less glamorous jobs to support oneself

47 10. 面对棘手的道德问题 face tough moral problems 11. 同样的 in the same way 12. 过着日常生活 go about the daily life 清理垃圾 13. 清理垃圾 clear up rubbish clear up rubbish 14. 做着如此平凡却必不可少的工作 perform such ordinary but vital tasks perform such ordinary but vital tasks 15. 使其他人得以继续他们的日常生活 allow others to go about their daily lives allow others to go about their daily lives 16. 有助于社会运作 help society function help society function

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