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We have created a new religion on our spaceship Santa Maria. Most participants chose a religion called Soul Society, which contains all the selected denominations.

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Presentation on theme: "We have created a new religion on our spaceship Santa Maria. Most participants chose a religion called Soul Society, which contains all the selected denominations."— Presentation transcript:


2 We have created a new religion on our spaceship Santa Maria. Most participants chose a religion called Soul Society, which contains all the selected denominations. This religion is monotheistic.


4 Examples of rights:  freedom of speech and religion  equality before the law  inviolability of people’s rights  to life, liberty and personal security, a fair trial in civil and criminal matters  freedom of thought, conscience and religion  Right to live  Right to freedom  Right to love  Right to express your opinion  Right to property  Right to education  Right of citizenship  Right to happiness  Right to work  Right to health care  Right to free religion Human rights:


6 Example of prohibitions:  torture or punishment of anyone in a cruel manner  punishment  discrimination  killing  violations of freedom These are only examples. Other rights and prohibitions can be agreed on before the journey.


8  catholicism  judaism  buddhism  protestantism  jewry  hinduism  monotheism  lutheranism  paganism


10 1. You shall not kill. 2. You shall not steal. 3. You shall be calm. 4. You shall be faithful to your God. 5. You shall be tolerant. 6. You shall be friendly. 7. You shall be well-behaved. 8. You shall not lie. 9. You shall be sensible. 10. You shall not betray. 11. You shall not summon your God without a cause. 12. You shall bless Holidays. 13. You shall respect your parents.


12 We think that one God can be worshiped on board but it depends on faith and permitted religions on the spaceship. The worship of your gods shall be permitted only in your sector. It is forbidden to worship the gods in public places. Worship of Gods

13 We accept all religions which confess one God. People will be able to live together if they are tolerant. If a person starts a war between people he or she will bear the consequences.


15 We think that we should take atheist on board because every person has the some rights. People will be able to create a new religion but this faith must have one God. NEW RELIGIONS

16 In our opinion women and men will be able to become priests, because they have the equality of rights. There won’t be any orders and convents on board, because they aren’t needed. Women will be able to be priests if their religion allows on this.

17 We think that priests will be allowed to have children, if his religion allows on this. RELIGION WARS We think that people who start religion wars should be punished.

18 Yes, because people need religion in their own life. Religion belongs to a culture. Religion teaches life with other people.

19 We think that every religion will be able to own holydays in own sector. Every religion will celebrate Holydays in their own way.

20 Every religion has their ritual funeral but because of the lack of conditions we that the bodies of the dead will be thrown away outside the Santa Maria spaceship.

21 Lying Lying is not ok, because if people lie, there won’t be respect between people. Lying is allowed when someone lies for a good cause. In some exceptional situations we allow ”a white lie”. Greed Greed isn’t ok because it will lead to stealing. Egoism Egoism isn’t ok. if someone wants a family.

22 Envy Envy isn’t ok, because it will lead to fights between people. Adultery Adultery isn’t ok because marriage should be based on faithfulness. Euthanasia Euthanasia is ok for a person who has a serious illness and prefers to die than to suffer. Abortion Abortion isn’t ok, because it is killing own children.

23 Torture of prisones Torture of prisnones isn’t ok because a person who tortures prisones deprives them of their honour. Civil disobedience Civil disobedience isn’t ok because it breaks citizenship rights. Animal testing Animal testing isn’t ok because this is the mistreat of animals.

24 Gay marriages Gay marriages are ok if a religion allows on this. Corruption Corruption isn’t ok because this is a crime and it breaks the law.


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