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City of Portland Bureau of Development Services Staff Presentation to the Portland Design Commission Design Recommendation LU 12-135162 MS Conway’s NW.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Portland Bureau of Development Services Staff Presentation to the Portland Design Commission Design Recommendation LU 12-135162 MS Conway’s NW."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Portland Bureau of Development Services Staff Presentation to the Portland Design Commission Design Recommendation LU 12-135162 MS Conway’s NW Master Plan July 19, 2012

2 Zoning & Approval Criteria EXd: Central Employment w/ Design Overlay & IGI: General Industrial NW Master Plan Review Approval criteria: Section 33.562.300 G. During the land use review process, the Design Commission is required to make a recommendation to the Hearings Officer on the approval criteria in 33.562.300 G.2.

3 SW College Street Master Plan Review Application of regulations: The regulations apply to sites shown on Map 562-9. The applicant may choose to apply these regulations to areas not highlighted on the map, if those areas are contiguous or across a ROW and under the same ownership.

4 SW College Street Master Plan Review At this site, a Northwest Master Plan is required when the applicant proposes: Expansions of floor area or exterior improvements area greater than 1,500 SF on the site; or A change from one use category to another.

5 SW College Street Project Summary Mixed-Use quarter - employment, housing, retail, open space and community uses Phased development (Conway will not be developer) Establish overall thresholds for housing, employment and retail, but create flexibility in how these uses are distributed across the site Establish overall density of 3:1 FAR, but allow for the transfer of density among blocks. Create open space, transportation, parking, building height and massing frameworks 21 st Avenue Main Street emphasis Establish rigorous goals with regard to building design and urban design by adding to existing regulations

6 Site

7 SW 5th Avenue Site

8 SW College Street Bus Routes

9 SW College Street Traffic

10 SW College Street Transit

11 SW College Street Pedestrian

12 SW College Street Freight

13 SW College Street SW 5th Avenue Purpose of a NW Master Plan The NW Master Plan allows flexibility in design and development of a site in a manner that evokes an urban development pattern, and does not overwhelm public services. It is likely that there will be significant overlap in both timelines and issues addressed by the private and public planning efforts; the two efforts should inform and improve each other throughout their processes. A Northwest Master Plan will ensure: Pedestrian -oriented, transit -supportive development; Development that includes a variety of uses, but retains the EX zone focus on employment uses that need a central location; High quality design appropriate to an urban setting; Active uses on the ground floor of buildings along designated transit streets and pedestrian routes; A street pattern that provides for frequent, convenient pedestrian and vehicle connections and emulates levels of connectivity similar to the adjacent block pattern; Transportation and parking demand management strategies that decrease reliance on the automobile ; Development that is integrated into the broader urban fabric; Transitions to adjacent areas with different uses and intensities through use, height, and massing of new development, considering historic resources, and the character of the area anticipated through the Northwest District Plan process; and Consideration of opportunities to provide a park, plaza, or other open space that can be used by those working and living in the neighborhood; and efficient use of land.

14 SW College Street Master Plan Review Components of a Northwest Master Plan include the following: Boundaries Overall Scheme Uses and activities Site Plan Development and design standards and criteria Transportation Phasing of development Process Written statement

15 SW College Street Master Plan Review Review Procedure A Northwest Master Plan is processed through a Type III procedure, reviewed by the Hearings Officer. The Design Commission also reviews the Plan and makes a recommendation to the Hearings Officer on the approval criteria of G.2. The Hearings Officer may approve, deny, or apply conditions of approval to the Northwest Master Plan.

16 SW College Street Master Plan Review Design Commission Approval Criteria (33.562.300.G.2) Design: a) The urban design elements result in an attractive, safe, and pleasant development for pedestrians, integrated with historic resources and the character of the nearby area. b) The proposed design guidelines, standards, and review procedures specified in the Plan must ensure that: 1) An environment will be created which is attractive, safe and pleasant for pedestrians, by addressing locations and orientations of buildings and main entrances, design and use of ground floor structures, and location, design and landscaping of parking lots and structures; 2) Scale and massing of the development addresses the broader context, including historic resources, and the uses and development anticipated in the Northwest District Plan, specifically at the edges of the plan; 3) The approach (proposed design guidelines and standards) to implementing design review will ensure that the quality of the design and public process is as good or better than that achieved through conventional design review, and is appropriate to the area and use.

17 SW College Street Master Plan Review Other Approval Criteria (33.562.300.G.1, 3, 4) 1. Overall. Consistency with the purpose of the plan district, the Master Plan section, and other applicable zoning code provisions. 3. Transportation. Compliance with the Transportation Element of the Portland Comprehensive Plan. The transportation system can safely support proposed and existing uses (level of service, on-street parking, access, transit, neighborhood livability, safety of all modes of travel). 4. Retail Sales And Service uses. Additional approval criteria for uses larger than 10,000 SF (serve those who live and work in immediate vicinity, transportation system can safely support use, no significant adverse effects on the area, scale and intensity consistent with historic resources & character of area, equally or better meets purpose of the Master Plan section).

18 SW College Street Proposed Review Procedures for Future Development Design Review, in accordance with current Type II and Type III procedures outlined in 33.420, 33.825 and 33.730 Optional “two-track system’, which allows projects to avoid Design Review by meeting development standards in Chapter 33.218, is eliminated within the Master Plan Boundaries

19 SW College Street Proposed Design/Development Standards Generally, current base zone & NW Plan District Zoning Code development standards apply 9 New Design/Development standards included in Master Plan Section 5 with accompanying Maps 05-1 – 05-6 In the case of conflicts between standards, the Master Plan standards prevail Heights and FAR’s allow for open spaces, encourage mixed-use, support taller ground level retail heights, incent neighborhood facilities Main focus on the pedestrian level and ground floor activation toward streets and open spaces Decrease parking numbers with adequate transit service

20 SW College Street Proposed Design Guidelines Community Design Guidelines apply 7 New Design Guidelines included in Master Plan Section 5 Strong focus on the pedestrian environment at streets and open spaces Promote buildings that break down scale and mass Clarify quality materials and details Specify the desired character of the various open spaces

21 SW College Street Open Space evolution


23 SW College Street Open Space evolution

24 SW College Street Open Space evolution

25 SW College Street Next Steps Today : Formulate a recommendation on criteria G.2, decide on a continuance if necessary August 2 nd or 16th : potential continued hearing dates August 17th: Staff Recommendation to Hearings Officer on entire Master Plan, which will include Design Commission’s recommendation on criteria G.2. August 27 th : Type III hearing with the Hearings Officer on the entire Master Plan August/September : Design Advice Request for Block 296 - supermarket, parking, apartments and accessway

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