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Patricia Colorado / Irina Pereyra Oxford 2014 Retention Strategies Reading Street.

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Presentation on theme: "Patricia Colorado / Irina Pereyra Oxford 2014 Retention Strategies Reading Street."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patricia Colorado / Irina Pereyra Oxford 2014 Retention Strategies Reading Street

2 Understanding By Design Support Packs (Content)

3 Support Packs: Additional Material (which we need to make sure school has not purchased) that will supplement what they already have. These “Packs” will be chosen by the customer, based on special needs- program aims. Support Packs

4 Assessment Support Pack Spelling and Vocabulary Support Pack English Language Learners Support Pack Common Core Support Pack Reading Support Pack Phonics Support Pack Writing Support Pack Support Packs

5 Customized Literacy Solutions Support Services (Professional Development)


7 Online Webinars: Every two-tree weeks Held by US specialists Academic Support

8 Reading Fest Day 1 (free of charge) Day 2 (fee based) – Option A Day 2 (fee based) – Option B Plenary (webex) Product Training Session 1 Product Agnostic PD (all day) Concurrent sessions (2) Product Training Session 2

9 This course focuses on the development of close reading skills at the elementary level. Participants learn strategies that support students in reading complex text, finding evidence in order to form an opinion or argument, and expressing themselves through writing and other performance tasks. Participants will: demonstrate an understanding of close reading. learn skills to cultivate habits of close reading in students. implement strategies that encourage students to access complex text, find evidence, ask questions, form opinions or arguments, and demonstrate understanding. Target Audience : K-5 (ages 5 - 11) teachers, literacy coaches, school leaders Face-to-face, 6 hours Habits of Close Reading

10 This course Oral language development is an essential skill for academic success. The Reading Street™ course on oral language development provides instruction in maximizing oral language opportunities for all students. Participants will: identify opportunities for oral language integration in Reading Street™. develop and implement a plan to maximize oral language development.. Target Audience : K-5 (ages 5 - 11) teachers, literacy coaches, Reading specialists Face-to-face, 6 hours Oral Language Development

11 This course supports teachers in successfully implementing the digital path in the classroom. Participants learn to make instructional decisions to maximize the impact of the Reading Street™ digital path features, establishing effective practices for independent group andindividual work. Participants will: implement use of the Online Lesson Planner. implement the Reading Street™ digital path activities and meaningfully incorporate activities into classroom practice to enhance instruction. determine appropriate online activities to meet the needs of students and improve learning outcomes.. Target Audience : K-5 (ages 5 - 11) teachers, literacy coaches, Reading specialists Face-to-face, 6 hours Teach Digitally with Reading Street™

12 Identify local product specialists / local champions Initiate impact studies with current customers Video Tutorials What could also work?

13 Teach for Deep Comprehension Engage Users with New Series

14 Focus Groups among RS users Conduct pilots with selected schools Find Reviewers among schools Organize Impact /Efficacy studies with select schools New Literacy Series

15 Provide access to information Be the main channel of communication Marketing Support What the Global Schools Team can do

16 Dr. Jim Cummins Exclusive ELL Author on Reading Street

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