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The Olympics 6. 58-Explain why the city-states of Greece instituted a tradition of athletic competitions and describe the sports they featured.

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Presentation on theme: "The Olympics 6. 58-Explain why the city-states of Greece instituted a tradition of athletic competitions and describe the sports they featured."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Olympics 6. 58-Explain why the city-states of Greece instituted a tradition of athletic competitions and describe the sports they featured.

3 Explain Explain the details that you uncovered about the beginning of the Olympics. What athletic competitons did individual city-states create? Why?

4 Describe Write a description of 2 sports that were featured in the original Olympics in Greece.

5 Create a powerpoint Slide 1-Title page w/your names Slide 2-Explain the competitions Slide 3-Describe the sports You may add clip art if time allows.

6 Presentation Divide paper into 2/hamburger style Top Explain the competition Bottom Describe the sports Number to 3 for each

7 Gallery Walk Silently walk to each computer Scroll through the presentation and add to your notes

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