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Mughal Empire By: Sarah Hoffman, Lindsey Paul, Devery Robb.

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Presentation on theme: "Mughal Empire By: Sarah Hoffman, Lindsey Paul, Devery Robb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mughal Empire By: Sarah Hoffman, Lindsey Paul, Devery Robb

2 Topics to be Covered (Outline) Who Where When What How Why Questions

3 Who Founded by Babur (reigned 1526-1530 when he died) Went to India to satisfy hunger for conquest Secured control of Punjab region from Kabul (map on next slide) 1526 - defeated forces of Delhi sultan Ibrahim Lodi - 1st Battle of Panipat. Beginning of Mughal Empire (Babur | Mughal Emperor) (Mughal Dynasty | India) (Rajput | Indian History)



6 Where Located in present-day India 1st conquered Punjab, then Panipat, then Rajput confederacy under Rana Sanga of Mewar, then defeated Afghans in 1529, taking Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states Babur died in 1530 - controlled all northern India from Indus River on the west to Bihar on the East and from the Himalayas south to Gwalior (Battles of Panipat | Indian History) (Kabul | National Capital, Afghanistan) (Mughal Dynasty | India) (Rajput | Indian History)



9 When The Mughal Empire was created in 1526 by Babur. The empire completely dissolved around the year 1857 for many reasons, some being its weak army and successors, and also because of its over-centralized government (The Mughal). It failed to crush the Marathas of the Deccan, who took over almost all of northern India in 1739. (Mughal Dynasty | India)

10 What The Mughals were Muslims from the Muslim empires in Persia, Iraq, Afghanistan that invaded and conquered much of India for more than two centuries. The Mughal Empire was a time period of peaceful religious and cultural flourishing between the Hindus and Muslims of India. The Europeans supported the Mughal’s military activities, and Britain and France competed to control India’s foreign trade (Mughal Dynasty).

11 How The Mughal Empire rose from the founder Babur and the empire’s superior artillery defeating the Lodis at Panipat. Babur’s son, Humayun, lost the kingdom to Sher Khan Sur but then recaptured Delhi in 1555, before his death. Humayun’s son, Akbar, then expanded the empire even farther from Afghanistan to the Bay of Bengal and from the Himalayas to the Godavari River. (The Mughal Empire) The empire didn't officially end until 1858, but it ceased to exist after Aurangzeb died in 1707. Aurangzeb’s religious intolerance helped to the decline of the empire.

12 Why This empire was significant because it helped to create strong central governments in the lands that is controlled. The empire was also significant for the heights that music, literature, art, and especially architecture reached under its rulers. The empire wasn't conquered by the Europeans because they were not strong enough to conquer them. (The Mughal Empire)

13 Questions?

14 Bibliography "A History of the World According to Paradox: A Hands-Off AAR, Part Two." Paradox Interactive Forums. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Babur | Mughal Emperor." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 12 Oct. 2015. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Battles of Panipat | Indian History." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 Mar. 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Kabul | National Capital, Afghanistan." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 22 Feb. 2016. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Mughal Dynasty | India [1526-1707]." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 04 Jan. 2016. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Rajput | Indian History." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 02 Jan. 2016. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "The Mughal Empire, The Europeans in India." Web. Wed. 28 Feb. 2016. "The Mughal Empire, Rise of the Mughals." Web. 28 Feb. 2016.

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