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British physicist Stephen Hawking “A Brief History of time”

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Presentation on theme: "British physicist Stephen Hawking “A Brief History of time”"— Presentation transcript:

1 British physicist Stephen Hawking “A Brief History of time”

2 Po Ra Radioactivity Madam Curie (1867-1934)

3 Benjamin Franklin printer author scientist

4 Step I.What do you think the text is about?

5 What do we usually need to make a kite? paper wooden sticks string When do we usually fly a kite?

6 Fast reading What was his kite made of? When did he fly his kite? And why did he do so? STEP II

7 Divide the text into three parts,and find the main idea of each part. Structure of the text StepIII Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 Introduction StepIII

8 Part1 Para 2 Para 3 Introduction The purpose of the experiment. How did he do the experiment?

9 Para4 Para 5 Para 6 Four things needed Three steps Tips on how to succeed in doing the experiment.

10 Structure of the text Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 Introduction He described his kite experiment. How can we make a kite and do the experiment?

11 Draw a sketch( 草图 ) of Franklin ’ s kite. STEP IV: Drawing

12 ① Build…by… ② tie…to… ⑦ tie…to.. ⑤ fix…to… ③ Add…to ④ tie…to.. ⑥ fasten…to..

13 STEP V:Consolidation What should be included in a science report? Science Report

14 What did Franklin invent after many experiments? Lightning rod StepVI: Discuss

15 Homework Suppose you were Franklin’s son, write down the story.

16 Search the internet for more information about Benjamin Franklin.

17 Leyden jar ( 莱顿瓶 ) Condenser

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