Sir Thomas More Opposition to the Reformation. Biography Born 7 th February 1478 in London Studied at Oxford 1515 wrote the “History of Richard III” 1516.

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Presentation on theme: "Sir Thomas More Opposition to the Reformation. Biography Born 7 th February 1478 in London Studied at Oxford 1515 wrote the “History of Richard III” 1516."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sir Thomas More Opposition to the Reformation

2 Biography Born 7 th February 1478 in London Studied at Oxford 1515 wrote the “History of Richard III” 1516 “Utopia” (Philosophical book on his ideal world) 1521 Knighted 1523 Speaker at the House of Commons 1525 Chancellor Duchy of Lancaster 1529 Chancellor

3 Explanation of Motives for Opposition When Henry was declared Head of Church he resigned and continued to argue against the King Strong Catholic Saw the reformation as Heresy 1534 arrested and refused to swear an oath to reject the Pope and accept the annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon 6 th July 1535 he was executed in Tower Hill

4 What form that opposition took AGAINST the reformation: - he helped Wolsey prevent Lutheran books - spied and investigated suspected protestants - suppressed travelling ministers who used Tyndales translation of the new testament He believed that the Catholic church should change from within – organic change

5 How the government dealt with him Killed him 6 th July 1535 he was executed in Tower Hill

6 Assessment of how effective opposition was More was a dangerous opponent for henry in that he was one of the most respected humanists in Europe. Legally trained, more was a scholar of some renown, and the publication of Utopia in 1516 had advanced his reputation further.

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