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Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Qualitative and Quantitative: Complementary approaches to research on student learning Keith Trigwell &

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Qualitative and Quantitative: Complementary approaches to research on student learning Keith Trigwell &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Qualitative and Quantitative: Complementary approaches to research on student learning Keith Trigwell & John Richardson University of Oxford The Open University

2 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels 10 years of ISL symposia qualitative differences in student learning both qualitative and quantitative research methods a constructive collaboration illustrations of complementary approaches previously neglected areas suggestions for future research Overview

3 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Marton (1975): 30 first-year students read a newspaper article say what the article was about say how they had gone about reading the article talk about how they approached their studies

4 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Marton (1975), ctd.: a hierarchy of learning outcomes two levels of processing  surface-level processing  deep-level processing level of outcome varied with level of processing

5 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Marton (1975), ctd.: two approaches to studying  a surface approach  a deep approach attainment varied with approach to studying

6 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Approaches to studying depend on the students’ conceptions of learning. The same students show different approaches to studying in different situations. Approaches to studying depend on the content, context and demands of the learning task. Different students show different approaches to studying in the same situation.

7 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Qualitative and Quantitative: Complementary approaches to research On Student Learning Keith Trigwell & John Richardson University of Oxford Open University

8 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels C + O 2 = CO 2 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1 carat = 200mg CarbonMass Number Calculation Relation between macro and micro ‘worlds’ 2 x 10 22 C atoms Mole Concept

9 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels C + O 2 = CO 2 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1 carat = 200mg CarbonMass Number Calculation Relation between macro and micro ‘worlds’ 2 x 10 22 C atoms Mole Concept

10 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conception E Conception D Conception C Conception B Conception A mole concept

11 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conception A not real real calculations mole concept

12 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conception B Conception A not real real not numbernumber calculations as mass mole concept

13 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conception C Conception B Conception A not real real not numbernumber number not with mass number and mass calculations as mass as number mole concept

14 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conception E Conception D Conception C Conception B Conception A not real real not numbernumber number not with mass number and mass not connector of worlds connector of worlds calculations as mass as number as related to number and mass as number and related to mass mole concept

15 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conception E Conception D Conception C Conception B Conception A not real real not numbernumber number not with mass number and mass not connector of worlds connector of worlds calculations as mass as number as related to number and mass as number and related to mass mole concept

16 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Significance Many students have a limited conception Awareness of variation (teacher and students) Outcome space shows relations in conceptions Variation is constituted as hierarchical What is (and isn’t) phenomenography?

17 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels e.g. cognitivism dualist relational

18 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels e.g. case studies, grounded theory e.g. cognitivism dualist relational 1 st order2 nd order

19 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels e.g. phenomenology e.g. case studies, grounded theory e.g. cognitivism dualist relational 1 st order2 nd order focus not on variation focus on variation

20 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels phenomenography e.g. content analysis e.g. phenomenology e.g. case studies, grounded theory e.g. cognitivism dualist relational 1 st order2 nd order focus not on variation focus on variation no internal relations internally related

21 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels generic graduate attributes the professional world Field Content Biology photosynthesis Chemistry states of matter, atomic structure Computing programming Economics Geology mapping Health science aseptic technique, physiotherapy Mathematics Music instrumental Politics political power Physics electricity, sound, mechanics

22 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Approaches to learning Conceptions of learning Approaches to teaching Conceptions of teaching Conceptions of leadership of teaching Conceptions of teaching creative practices Conceptions of small group tutorials Qualitatively different responses to context Phenomenographic studies of process

23 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels

24 recruitment and selection of participants? Limitations of qualitative research: small sample sizes? distributions of approaches or conceptions? basic information about participants?

25 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Two exceptions: Kember, D., Lai, T., Murphy, D., Siaw, I., Wong, J., & Yuen, K. S. (1990). Naturalistic evaluation of distance learning courses. Journal of Distance Education, 5(1), 38-52. Van Rossum, E.J., & Taylor, I.P. (1987, April). The relationship between conceptions of learning and good teaching: A scheme of development. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.

26 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conceptions of learning: Säljö (1979): 1.Learning as the increase of knowledge 2.Learning as memorising 3.Learning as the acquisition of facts 4.Learning as the abstraction of meaning 5.Learning as an interpretative process

27 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conceptions of learning: Säljö (1979): 1.Learning as the increase of knowledge 2.Learning as memorising 3.Learning as the acquisition of facts 4.Learning as the abstraction of meaning 5.Learning as an interpretative process Taylor and Morgan (1986): 6. Changing as a person

28 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Biggs (1985): Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) 42 items in 6 subscales measuring 3 approaches: surface approach deep approach achieving approach

29 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Entwistle and Ramsden (1983): Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI) 64 items in 16 subscales measuring 4 orientations: meaning orientation reproducing orientation achieving orientation non-academic orientation

30 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Entwistle et al. (2000): Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI) 52 items in 13 subscales measuring 3 approaches: deep approach surface approach strategic approach

31 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels

32 distance education? What have we learned from quantitative research? gender differences? age differences? cultural differences? predicting attainment?

33 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels

34 Qualitative and Quantitative Variation is constituted as hierarchical Logically (internally) related conceptions Ideal for relational studies

35 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Learning ActivityAct Conception with act (indirect object) Overall/ overview conception of area Conception of topic (direct object) Out- come Deep or surface approach For personal meaning or for recall & application Chemistry (macro-micro world relations) Mole concept Teaching Teacher- focus or student- focus Trans- mission or conceptual change Leading Assessing Managing

36 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Learning ActivityAct Conception with act (indirect object) Overall/ overview conception of area Conception of topic (direct object) Out- come Deep or surface approach For personal meaning or for recall & application Chemistry (macro-micro world relations) Mole concept Teaching Teacher- focus or student- focus Trans- mission or conceptual change Leading Assessing Managing

37 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Learning ActivityAct Conception with act (indirect object) Overall/ overview conception of area Conception of topic (direct object) Out- come Deep or surface approach For personal meaning or for recall & application Chemistry (macro-micro world relations) Mole concept Teaching Teacher- focus or student- focus Trans- mission or conceptual change Leading Assessing Managing

38 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Conception Answer Total CorrectIncorrectNo answer A36 9 B2 2 C 213 D45 9 E51 6 Total14 129 Mole concept task outcome with conception

39 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Learning ActivityAct Conception with act (indirect object) Overall/ overview conception of area Conception of topic (direct object) Out- come Deep or surface approach For personal meaning or for recall & application Chemistry (macro-micro world relations) Mole concept Teaching Teacher- focus or student- focus Trans- mission or conceptual change Leading Assessing Managing

40 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Learning ActivityAct Conception with act (indirect object) Overall/ overview conception of area Conception of topic (direct object) Out- come Deep or surface approach For personal meaning or for recall & application Chemistry (macro-micro world relations) Mole concept Teaching Teacher- focus or student- focus Trans- mission or conceptual change Leading Assessing Managing

41 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Learning ActivityAct Conception with act (indirect object) Overall/ overview conception of area Conception of topic (direct object) Out- come Deep or surface approach For personal meaning or for recall & application Chemistry (macro-micro world relations) Mole concept Teaching Teacher- focus or student- focus Trans- mission or conceptual change Leading Assessing Managing

42 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels 1. More content and process (and relations) 2. New phenomenography – experience of variation Future student learning research in phenomenography

43 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels Future student learning research in other areas

44 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels “Widening participation in higher education”  Widening participation in research in higher education the role of prior education students from ethnic minorities

45 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels

46 students with learning disabilities “Widening participation in higher education”  Widening participation in research in higher education the role of prior education students from ethnic minorities students with disabilities: students with a hearing loss students with a visual impairment students with dyslexia

47 Improving Student Learning Symposium - Brussels

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