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Aim #80: What were the domestic policies of Nixon, Ford and Carter? Do now! Read Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” speech and answer the accompanying questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim #80: What were the domestic policies of Nixon, Ford and Carter? Do now! Read Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” speech and answer the accompanying questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim #80: What were the domestic policies of Nixon, Ford and Carter? Do now! Read Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” speech and answer the accompanying questions The 1970s…good for pop culture, not so good for our 3 presidents…the bummer decade 

2 (I) Nixon’s Domestic Policy: New Federalism a. Nixon wants to limit the size of the federal government 1. Great Society—too expensive 2. Solution: Revenue sharing—fed. Gov’t gives part of income to states; their choice as to what social welfare programs b. 1970s saw a combination of economic slowdown (stagnation) and high inflation = stagflation *interesting note: most household incomes only stayed the same because women entered the workforce

3 (II) Nixon on the Environment a. 1970-Environmental Protection agency (EPA) b. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) c. Clean Air Act d. Clean Water Act e. Endangered Species Act of 1973

4 (III) The Downfall of Nixon a.Nixon administration had group called CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President) b.June 1972: break in at Democratic headquarters at the Watergate complex c.Even before this, Nixon’s people had: 1.Ordered wiretaps on government employees and reporters to stop “leaks” 2.“plumbers” were created to stop “leaks” 3.Govt. agencies such as the IRS were used to investigate opponent of Nixon

5 (IV) Watergate Investigation a.Nixon did participate in cover up of illegal activities 1.Nixon had secretly recorded conversations in the Oval Office b. Nixon claimed “executive privilege” (has special privileges because he’s the president) 1.Supreme Court in U.S. vs. Nixon ruled he must give over tapes c. Nixon resigns in August 1974, Ford becomes 1 st unelected president d. Watergate demonstrated that there was an increasing loss of faith in the federal government (i.e. Pentagon Papers)

6 Nixon Resigns

7 (V) Ford’s Presidency a. Rebuild the image of the presidency after Nixon b. Had initial problems 1.Nixon’s Pardon 2.Amnesty Plan: offered amnesty to 1,000’s of draft dodgers 3.Stagflation Inflation reached 12%, worst recession since WWII Mortgage rates: 14% Car loans: 21% GNP: stagnate Carter-Ford Debate-1976

8 Another issue during Ford ’ s presidency was a growing economic recession

9 President Gerald Ford Making the economic situation worse was the oil crisis of the 1970s In retaliation for American support of Israel, OPEC cut off oil to the U.S. in 1973 As a result, gas prices soared & shortages led to long lines for gasoline

10 (VI) President Jimmy Carter a. Carter ran as an “outsider” who played no part in Vietnam, Watergate, or the recession b. Oil embargo: high oil prices set by OPEC c. Carter blamed inflation on nation's dependence on foreign oil, but Americans ignored conservation efforts he proposed

11 MALAISE SPEECH “Crisis of Confidence” speech July 15, 1979 Criticized the American public for falling into a "moral and spiritual crisis Too concerned with material goods

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