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1 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward David Ward Post mortem on May’06 DESY running. What’s still needed for DESY analysis? What’s needed for CERN data.

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1 1 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward David Ward Post mortem on May’06 DESY running. What’s still needed for DESY analysis? What’s needed for CERN data taking? Software

2 2 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward Reminder - dataflow (agreed 16 Feb 05) Mokka LCIO Calibration, Alignment Raw Data LCIO (for analysis) LCIO Raw hits (transient) True Energy Decoding Anti-Calibration digitization SimCalHits Filtering Raw LCIO (blocks of integers?) Mapping Database

3 3 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward DESY running May’06 ECAL electron data recorded 1-6 GeV at 4 beam positions, angles from 0 to 45 o Elog is a useful resource to find info about data taken etc. (but slow to start up). Data were converted to “raw LCIO” routinely. All stored at DESY dCache and accessible via Grid tools. Detailed trigger information in separate data stream – not yet integrated – this needs fixing before we go to CERN. “Being tackled this week” (RP). Monte Carlo issues: Stagger of slab positions was changed in 2006. This has just (this week) been fixed in Mokka (new model TBDesy0506). New layout of upstream detectors – F.Salvatore working with G.Musat to implement these in Mokka. Need for track reconstruction for MC. Digitization for ECAL MC. Procedure agreed at Montreal, but still needs to be implemented. Run as a Marlin pre-processor to reconstruction job.

4 4 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward Near-online monitoring (G.Mavromanolakis)

5 5 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward DESY running May’06 “Reconstruction job” was run on all the useful data. Code mainly from Götz. This performed the following steps: ECAL mapping applied – hit indices and positions to match Mokka system. Pedestal calculation and subtraction. Zero suppression (S/N>5) Trigger information is stored in event header, to flag pedestal, calibration, beam data etc. Peds and calib data still included in the output stream. No gain correction – no cosmic calibration data available. LCIO CalorimeterHits are in ADC counts. No Drift Chamber reconstruction. Raw data are copied.

6 6 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward Quick look at reconstructed files Apply naïve 50ADC=1MIP gain correction for all channels. Look at 1 GeV electrons at normal incidence. This seems to be typical. Much less clean than 2005. Proportion of junk increases with energy. Single e Double beam Junk Significant work clearly needed to understand the beam for 2006; to find good cuts to clean up data Just as a first look, to see whether reconstructed files make sense at all, I made a cut 100-250 MIP and compared with single e MC from 2005.

7 7 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward MC/data

8 8 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward MC/data As well as low energy “junk” events, it looks like genuine beam events are commonly accompanied by junk as well. Needs careful study. The data are going to be trickier to analyse than in 2005. But otherwise, the data seem to make reasonable sense. Main issues – How to calibrate the detector? Wait for cosmics/muons at CERN? Try to use electron data? Need to sort out calibration and tracking in the drift chambers.

9 9 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward CERN running Data conversion and reconstruction job: plan is to transfer data to DESY and run jobs there. Possibly transfer Ntuples and/or reconstructed files back to CERN as needed. Relies on good network connection. Roman looking at the technicalities. We could need a fallback if this is slow/unreliable? Changes to native DAQ format; integration of beam line detectors? Will necessitate updates to the data converter (RP). Could be a significant amount of work. May not be available on day one. Needs liaison between Paul/Roman. I’m less well informed about the preparedness of the AHCAL/TCMT software. Understanding the beam line is a significant task. Ensure we have recorded all the information we need while running. Need to simulate the beam properties realistically in Mokka. Need code to reconstruct tracks, PID using Čerenkovs.

10 10 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward Recommendations from Oct’05 TB Review Monte Carlo: The detector groups should still consider whether the information stored by MARLIN is sufficient for their needs. I’ve heard no feedback. It seems probably adequate for the ECAL. A complete simulation of the beam line material in Mokka is greatly needed (for each beam line we patronise). Under control for DESY. Need to support other Monte Carlo models (Geant3, Fluka etc). Data analysis framework: Need to assess the adequacy of the present LCIO data. Consider adding trigger summary information to event header. Done. Relevant slow controls info (temperatures, drift chamber positions, detector angle etc) to event or database. Still needs doing? Make processors to read the data available and get people using the code. Partially available.

11 11 Calice TB Review DESY 15/6/06D.R. Ward Recommendations from Oct’05 TB Review Database: Need to populate the database with ECAL calibration and configuration data; make tools to use this information available. Largely OK, I think. Data storage: All members of Calice need to be informed how they can access to these data, using either their DESY account or the Grid-ftp tools. Number of Grid users increasing, but still small. Make available simple Grid jobs for data conversion, Monte Carlo and Marlin-based analysis. These do exist. Need to think about data storage options when running at CERN. Assuming, at present, that we use DESY. Code sharing: Authors of code are still strongly encouraged to store their work at the CVS repository recently established at DESY- Zeuthen. Still valid. Documentation: Documentation still needs to be improved. A simple introduction “Calice Data analysis for Pedestrians” may help. Little progress. General concern – over-reliance on a small number of experts, especially Götz and Roman. Shortage of people looking at data.

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