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The Importance of Accurate Documentation for Fiber Optic Networks Randy Anderson VP – Software Advance Fiber Optics.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Accurate Documentation for Fiber Optic Networks Randy Anderson VP – Software Advance Fiber Optics."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Accurate Documentation for Fiber Optic Networks Randy Anderson VP – Software Advance Fiber Optics

2 You build the network. You test the network. It works. Move on.

3 Aerial $30,000 / mile ~ $18,000 / km Underground $500,000 / mile ~ $310,000 / km Typical Outside Plant Construction Costs

4 Companies will spend millions of dollars building a network, and more millions maintaining it. A process that would only cost them a fraction of their operations budget. But, they invest relatively nothing to document the network. Typical documentation costs are less than $100 per mile.

5 Why spend the time record keeping? Maybe you already have a record keeping system …







12 Capacity Management Sales and Marketing Network Maintenance Planning and Design Tax and Finance Investor Relations

13 Network Operations

14 Marketing

15 Tax and Finance

16 Sales

17 Design Engineering

18 An effective documentation system is composed of two parts … Software and Processes

19 The Data Model Software

20 A drawing is essential, but it is only a start

21 Objects need attributes Length Number of Fibers Installation Date Installation Company Etc. Objects on the drawing need attributes

22 1 2 3 1: 1-12 to 2: 1-12 1: 13-24 to 3: 1-12 The drawing also needs to include connectivity

23 But even with that information, a simple drawing falls far short of being able to deliver what the users need

24 AB Data in a fiber network management system starts off simple

25 AB

26 AB

27 AB

28 AB C

29 AB C

30 AB C

31 AB C D

32 AB C D

33 AB C D

34 AB C D EF

35 AB C D EF

36 AB C D EF

37 AB C D EF


39 Once we have the data in this format we can begin to use it …

40 AB C D EF RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX … find the location of fiber breaks Break is 2,000 m from A2 … 500 1,500

41 AB C D EF RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX … build rings to better understand the connectivity

42 AB C D EF RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX Fiber 1 – A, C, B, D, A Fiber 2 – A, D, C, B, A Fiber 3 – A, E, F, B Fiber 4 – A, B Know what is on each fiber of each cable

43 AB C D EF RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX And there is much more

44 Now, combine all of the data

45 Buildings Access Points Conduit Cable Organize the Geographic Data Geographic Data

46 Buildings / Access Points Enclosures Cables Conduit Attribute Data Geographic DataTabular / Attribute Data

47 Connectivity Data 1 2 3 1: 1-12 to 2: 1-12 1: 13-24 to 3: 1-12 Geographic DataTabular / Attribute DataConnectivity Data

48 Choose the Land-base MapInfo StreetPro Aerial Imagery CAD Drawings MapPoint Etc. Geographic DataTabular / Attribute DataConnectivity DataGeographic Land-base

49 Geographic Data Pull it all Together Tabular / Attribute DataConnectivity DataGeographic Land-base Database

50 What about putting the data into the system? Process

51 What about maintaining the data?

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