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Music Technology Courses in the Secondary Schools of the Lake Conference Paul Rosen University of Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Music Technology Courses in the Secondary Schools of the Lake Conference Paul Rosen University of Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Technology Courses in the Secondary Schools of the Lake Conference Paul Rosen University of Florida

2 Purpose of the Study

3 Purpose Of The Study IN LAKE CONFERENCE SCHOOLS 1. Classes? 2. Curriculum? 3. Evaluation? 4. Equipment?

4 Need for the Study 85% of student body not participating in traditional ensembles Strong Music Scene Active Composers Active Musicians

5 Need for the Study MN State Standards Students will “Use electronic musical tools to record, mix, play back, accompany, arrange or compose music.” (p. 25) (MDE, 2008) NAfME Standards Students can “Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions or improvisations using digital tools” (p.1) (NAfME, 2014)

6 Need for the Study Course is approved for 2015 – 2016!


8 (Kratus, 2007) TITLE: Music education at the tipping point. Traditional Music Classes Ineffective Guitar and Keyboard Student Music

9 (Williams, 2007) TITLE: What are music educators doing and how well are we doing it? Focus Of Traditional Ensembles. High Attrition Rate. Life-Long Music Making

10 (Kuzmich and Dammers,2013) TITLE: Using technology for improvisation and composition in traditional ensembles. Traditional Ensembles Reach 20% How Do We Reach The Other 80%

11 (Tobias, 2010) TITLE: Crossfading and plugging in: Secondary students' engagement and learning in a songwriting and technology class. Explored Engagement and Reflection Music Outside of School

12 (McDaniel, 2000) TITLE: Sequencing in the public school: A model curriculum utilizing computer technology to facilitate student composition Studied Curriculum Implementation Music Concepts Learned Non-Traditional Music Students

13 (Guthman, 2013) TITLE: Cycles of revision: A study of music compositions by students involved in the Vermont MIDI project (music- COMP) How Do Students Revise Work? Who Do They Listen To?

14 Purpose Of The Study

15 IN LAKE CONFERENCE SCHOOLS 1. Classes? 2. Curriculum? 3. Evaluation? 4. Equipment?

16 Methodology

17 Procedures 1. E-Mail Invitation 2. Reminder E-Mail 3. Final Reminder E-Mail 4. Follow-Up Interviews 5. Data Collection and Analysis

18 Participants POPULATION ALL Lake Conference Music Technology Teachers PARTICIPANTS Willing members of the population

19 Qualitative Questionnaire DEMOGAPHIC INFORMATION Explanation of class. Projects, work or assignments used. Assessment methods used. Types of technology used

20 Data Data Analysis Descriptions of Each Course Used to Help Create New Course

21 Thank you.

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