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A.Vogel Boldocynara & Nephrosolid

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1 A.Vogel Boldocynara & Nephrosolid
Gerda Crous SA Natural Products (Pty) Ltd

2 5 Body Systems Immune System Central Nervous System Circulatory System
Digestive System Filtration System

3 Filtration System Heart Lungs Liver Small intestine Colon

4 Liver & Galbaldder

5 1 000 000 (million) lobules each with 350 000 cells
Liver (million) lobules each with cells liver cells 200 Separate functions Weighs +/- 2 kg Filters 600 litres of blood daily 2nd Largest organ of the body

6 What role does the liver play?
The liver has many functions: Bile and enzymes - manufactures It’s a storage unit It detoxifies It secretes bile The Liver = Yours Body’s Post Office

7 What role does the liver play?
Liver = The body’s regulator Chemical Process Cleans blood, produces cholesterol, gall, hormones, enzymes & red blood cells Stores iron & glucose, Vitamins A, B, D, E & K Transforms fats into unsaturated fats for energy

8 Did you know? Weight gain Regenerate Three quarters of the cells in the liver can die before it stops functioning. The liver is strongly connected to emotions Vigorous movements adversely affect the liver if it’s very inflamed.

9 Liver & Galbladder warning signs
Waking between 2 - 3am for no reason Indigestion Constipation, piles Moodiness Nausea Tiredness Irritable bowel syndrome Light headedness Unexplained pain in the right side of the body High cholesterol Weak resistance to illness Pain in the head Pain in the shoulder Dry, itchy skin Pain in the elbow Red, itchy eyes Pain in the hip Bitter taste in the mouth Pain in the knee Excessive thirst Pain in the big toe

10 Some advice from Dr. A.Vogel
If we ensure that our daily nutritional intake is healthy and we strike a sensible balance between mental and physical activity, the liver is unlikely to grumble at occasional sins and will cheerfully labour to rectify the chemical mess we burden it with now and then. Being continually on good terms with one’s liver is one of the most important rules of health.

11 Kidneys & Bladder

12 Kidneys Filters 800 litres of blood daily
(million) Nephrons in each kidney Work with liver Continuously clean out waste and toxins Regulate water & pH levels in the blood Responsible for new red blood cells produced in the bone marrow kidney produce about 1.7 litres of urine filtrate per day The kidneys also maintain the delicate balance of electrolytes and pH in the blood.

13 Typical Kidney warning signs
High blood pressure Pain on the inside of the left leg Sore joints and muscles Pain behind the knees Pain on top of the head, behind the neck and along the spine Eczema, fungus on soles of the feet Swollen eyes after sleep Burning, sweating, aching soles of feet Swollen face, hands, legs and ankles Sore heels Too little or slow urine flow Athlete’s foot Smelly, dark or discoloured urine, continuous urination Smelly feet

14 Did you know? If you follow a high protein diet, you should increase daily water intake. Parsley, asparagus, cucumber and celery are good kidney cleansing foods.

15 Some advice from Dr. A.Vogel
Aside from the heart and the liver, no other organ suffers more from the consequences of our modern lifestyle’s refined foods than the kidneys. Often, kidney patients are relieved of their pains simply by abstaining from all foods containing sugar.

16 Two excellent herbal tonics
A.Vogel Boldocynara A.Vogel Nephrosolid Vogel always treated liver and kidneys simultaneously

17 A. Vogel Boldocynara Liver & Galbladder Drops
Formula: Cynara Scolymus Ø – Artichoke Taraxacum Off Ø – Dandelion Peumus Boldus Ø – Boldo Mentha Ø – Peppermint

18 Ingredient Action Artichoke Dandelion Boldo
Stimulates the functions of the liver Peppermint Stimulates Bile Production Counteract digestive difficulties frequently associated with liver and bile complaints Bile contains bile acids, which are critical for digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine. Many waste products, including bilirubin

19 How to use A.Vogel Boldocynara
The recommended dose is 15 drops 3 x per day. For those who suffer from gall stones or who have had malaria or hepatitis, it would be better to start on a lower dosage. Reduce dosage to 8 drops to begin with, 3 x per day for 10 days. Then increase to normal dosage for six weeks Boldocynara is recommended as a liver tonic for six weeks at a time, three times a year to ensure good liver and gall function. People on chronic medication should use Boldocynara daily to support liver function.

20 A. Vogel Nephrosolid Kidney & Bladder Drops
Formula: Solidago Virg Ø – Golden Rod Betula Pendula Ø – Birch Equisetum Arvense Ø – Horsetail Ononis Spinosa Ø – Restharrow

21 Ingredient Action Golden Rod
antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract It is very efficient for bladder problems potential to prevent kidney stones and even assist in excreting existing ones Birch aid detox by supporting the body’s natural elimination of toxins and impurities Restharrow Horsetail support bladder health Bile contains bile acids, which are critical for digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine. Many waste products, including bilirubin

22 How to use A.Vogel Boldocynara
As a general support and detox Nephrosolid is recommended for six weeks at a time three times a year at a dosage of 15 drops three times per day. People on chronic medication should use Nephrosolid daily to support kidney function.

23 Two excellent herbal tonics
Liver one of the most important organs for metabolizing or breaking down medications. May benefit from additional cleansing and detoxifying support during course of medication.

24 A.Vogel Boldocynara & A.Vogel Nephrosolid
Who can’t use Boldocynara & Nephrosolid? Boldocynara - Patients with obstructed bile ducts or liver cancer. Nephrosolid - Patients undergoing dialysis Both these herbal formulas are safe to use daily, long term and with other medication. Children younger than twelve years may use these herbal tonics if recommended by a professional therapist.

25 A.Vogel Boldocynara & A.Vogel Nephrosolid
FAQ Can the products be used long term? Are there any side effects? My gall bladder has been removed. Can I use the products?

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