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Able, ible il, ile.  able, ible – able, can do  il, ile – capable of being, like Brainstorm words that use these roots!

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Presentation on theme: "Able, ible il, ile.  able, ible – able, can do  il, ile – capable of being, like Brainstorm words that use these roots!"— Presentation transcript:

1 able, ible il, ile

2  able, ible – able, can do  il, ile – capable of being, like Brainstorm words that use these roots!

3 Skipping two lines between each word, copy the following 10 words in the first column: civilintangible docilelaughable edibleportable futiletenable hospitablevolatile

4  Determine what you believe is the definition for each of the words. Write them down in the second column. Yes – both of you!

5 Now write down the correct definitions for each of the following words:

6 polite and respectful; acting with courtesy and civility Though his customer was angry, the sales clerk handled his complaint in a civil manner.

7 easy to manage; gentle, easy to teach or discipline Gio was a calm, docile child, unlike his twin sister, who was unruly and rebellious.

8 able to be eaten Artichokes are edible thistles.

9 useless; ineffective; incapable of producing the desired effect His efforts to remove the stump were futile. It would not budge.

10 treating people with kindness, generosity, and attention The inn was noted for its hospitable employees and excellent food.

11 not able to be touched or measured; not definite or concrete While love is intangible, there are many concrete ways that you can show your love.

12 causing laughter and amusement; amusing Mom’s first attempt to roller blade was laughable.

13 able to be moved to another location The basketball hoop was portable, allowing it to be used on the playground or in the gym.

14 able to be held, maintained, or defended She gave a tenable argument for getting her nose pierced, but her mom rejected it.

15 changeable; easy to explode She had a volatile temper, often flying off the handle for no apparent reason.

16  Is THURSDAY this week! For this week: Write the exact definitions for the suffixes; Identify the word which does not have the same meaning as your word study word; Write the correct word study word to complete a sentence; Match each word study word with its corresponding definition.

17  Is worth 17 points!  You must make up the quiz if you are not in class on Friday.  For any week, if you are absent on the day notes are given, you are responsible for getting the list of words. I am not responsible for making sure you have them.

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