8/30/2010 1 SOSAA-3rd International Congress, Sri Lanka.20-20 August 2010.

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1 8/30/2010 1 SOSAA-3rd International Congress, Sri Lanka.20-20 August 2010

2 8/30/2010 2 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

3  system of arrangement adopted by a library to enable patrons to find its materials quickly and easily. While cataloging provides information on the physical and topical nature of the book (or other item), classification, through assignment of a call number (consisting of class designation and author representation), locates the item in its library setting and, ideally, in the realm of knowledge. Arranging similar things in some order according to some principle unites and controls information from various sources. Encyclopedia Britannica,2010 8/30/2010 3 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

4  For helpful sequence  For better organizing  For better location  For efficiency and effectiveness  For save the time of user 8/30/2010 4 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

5 General Classification System Dewey Decimal Classification Universal Decimal Classification Colane Classification Special Classification Systems London Education System Classification for sociology Classification for Archaeology 8/30/2010 5 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

6 S enaka B andaranayak e C lassification P ostgraduate I nstitute Of A rcheology 8/30/2010 6 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

7 1. Introduction and Instructions 2. List of Main Classes 3. Generalia Class 4. Schedules 5. Notation 6. Index 8/30/2010 7 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

8  Introduction I.Purpose II.Objectives  Instructions 1. Rules and Regulations Eg. Personalities Sri Lanka - a bibliographical study =3608 AAO 2. Guidelines for classification 3.Symbols +++ Same system of divition as in ABE.Bu should be applied to other living regions if there is sufficient aterial in collection to merit subdivisions * Bibliographies- All bibliographies except…….. 8/30/2010 8 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

9 A. General subjects B. Archaeology C. Region or country specific material i.e.: DDC 000 General Subject 100 Philosophy 200 Religion 300 Social sciences ….. 900History and geography i.e.: DDC 000 General Subject 100 Philosophy 200 Religion 300 Social sciences ….. 900History and geography Cont… 8/30/2010 9 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

10 This section includes material on all subjects other than Archaeology and related descriptions. AGENERAL SUBJECTS AAGeneral works ABReligion ACPhilosophy and psychology ADHistory and civilization AEArt AFLanguage and Literature AGMathematics, Statistics AHSocial sciences AIGeography AJNatural Sciences AKApplied Sciences Cont… 8/30/2010 10 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

11 which comprises all materials on archaeology and related disciplines, the techniques of archaeology such as excavations, prospecting, analytical and chronometric techniques, conservation and preservation of monuments, artifacts and murals. Cont… 8/30/2010 11 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

12 BARCHAEOLOGY BAGeneral works BB Archaeological theory and History BCTechniques BDConservation and presentation BEEnvironmental archaeology BFPalaeoanthropology, prehistory BGProtohistory BHHistorical archaeology BIArt, architecture, technology BJHistory and archaeology BKCultural studies BZ Archaeology - specialized divisions Cont… 8/30/2010 12 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

13 This section brings together, under the country codes, all regional or country specific material dealing with subjects belonging to section B. Cont… 8/30/2010 13 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

14 CREGIONAL STUDIES 1000Africa 2000Americas 3000Asia 4000Polar regions 5000Europe 6000Oceania 7000Other inter - regional composite groupings Cont… 8/30/2010 14 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

15 SPECIAL SCHEDULES FOR INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES SRI LANKA 3608 AD History and civilization 3608 ADA General +++For Prehistoric period see BF 3608 ADBEarly Historic period (Early and Middle Anuradhapura and Sigiriya periods) 3608 ADCMiddle Historic period (Late Anuradhapura and Polonnaruva periods) 3608 ADD Later Historic period 1. (Period of shifting capitals) 3608 ADELater Historic period 2. (Kotte period) 3608 ADE.Br Period under British influence 3608 ADE.Du Period under Dutch influence 3608 ADE.Po Period under Portuguese influence 3608 ADFLater Historic period 3. (Kandy period) 3608 ADGModern transitional period.  Cont… 8/30/2010 15 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

16  AAA-AAZ  BAA-BAZ  1000-7000 8/30/2010 16 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

17 8/30/2010 17 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

18  A section  B section  C section Purely Non Numerical Numerical MIXED NOTATION Cont… 8/30/2010 18 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

19 The notation in Section A and B are purely non numerical. Letters of the English language are used as symbols. The two major sections A and B are subdivided in to broad subject areas by Adding of a second letter to the notation. BArchaeology BCTechniques BCBData generative techniques BCDAnalytical techniques When still father subdivision is necessary, a two letter code is operated by decimal point after the notation. BCB Data generative techniques BCB.DoDocumentation Techniques BCB.ExExcavation BCB.Pr Prospecting techniques When the need arise for a subdivision achieved by the use of the two letter code to be resubdivided the same system has been repeated. AJDLife Science AJD.BoBotany AJD.Bo.EtEthno botany Purely Non Numerical B section A section 8/30/2010 19 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

20  C section Numerical In the third category Section C, regions or countries are assigned a numerical notation of four digits. Futher specification is achieved by division of the whole number in a hierarchical pattern. Eg: 1000 Africa 2000 Americas 3000 Asia 3100 Arab World 3600 South Asia 3601 Bangladesh 3602 Bhutan To these area numbers are combined the classification numbers of either section A or B as appropriate. Thus: “Indian Philosophy” India – 3603 Philosophy - AC = 3603AC “ Essays in early Sri Lankan architecture” 3608 BIC 8/30/2010 20 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

21  Alphabetically arranged (A to Z)  Index has two parts 1. Subject 2. Classification Number  Eg: AccountingAKI.Ac Adena Culture24 BH Africa1000 Buddhism ABE.Bu Himalayan Aisa`3500 IslamABE.Is Maya civilization (Central America) 2200 BH.Ma 8/30/2010 21 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

22  Specific for the field of Archaeology  A fairly short  Uncomplicated notation can be used  “Notationally” it is easer to display the structure of the shame  Easily browsing  Easy to find archaeological information according to country  Non-complex  User friendly  Save the time of staff / User 8/30/2010 22 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

23  Encyclopedia Britannica, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/ 339461/library-classification,access on 3- 08-2010. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/ 339461/library-classification  Senaka Bandaranayake classification Manual, PGIAR Library. 8/30/2010 23 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

24  Emeritus Prof. Senake Bandaranayake, University of Kelaniya  Ms.Inoka Dilhani, The Library /Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology/  Library Staff, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of kelaniya 8/30/2010 24 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest

25 8/30/2010 25 SOSAA-3rd International Congress,Sri Lanka.20-20 Auguest 2010

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