PGC tests Test procedure and acceptance criteria for the Powering of Group of Circuits EDMS No 916266.

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Presentation on theme: "PGC tests Test procedure and acceptance criteria for the Powering of Group of Circuits EDMS No 916266."— Presentation transcript:

1 PGC tests Test procedure and acceptance criteria for the Powering of Group of Circuits EDMS No 916266

2 PGC 1 : tests in the arcs 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting2 PGC 1.2 PGC 1.3 PGC 1.4 PGC1.5 PGC 1.6

3 PGC 1 : tests in the matching sections 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting3 Applicable in : IP1 - D2, Q4, Q5, Q6 IP2 - D2, Q4 IP4 - D4, Q5 and D3, RU IP5 - D2, Q4, Q5, Q6 IP8 - D2 Q4 PGC 1.8 PGC 1.9

4 PGC 2 : Heat run 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting4

5 When tests occured 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting5 1 : select sector 2 : select circuits (dfb/special) 3 : load T1/T2 4 : start

6 Tests summaries 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting6  Excel files with tests summary available on  Slenaour public/MP3/PGC/Sector12…  MP3 Repository / shared documents/PGC

7 Tests PGC 1.2 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting7  Ramp up of all circuits available to reach I_PNO at the same time, plateau of several minutes and ramp down of all circuits together  RCS circuits ramp down earlier.  When correctors circuits of triplets are included in the sequence, various trippings occured due to the too large ramp rate applied: ramp rate reduced to powered RCBXV and RCBXH circuits together

8 Tests PGC 1.4 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting8  Heater provoked quench on the main dipole circuits.  In sector 3-4, only a FPA was applied  In sector 1-2, quench provoked in C32R1 which have a non conformity on QH1 (2 low field heaters fired instead of 1 high field heater)  In sector 8-1 : data acquisition pbm on heater discharge Global protection activated in all sectors correctly

9 Tests PGC 1.5 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting9  Fast abord on 600A circuits Datestartendtest refcomments 200911196:308:00RCO.A45B1 RCD.A45B1 RCO.A45B2 RCD.A45B2 RCS.A45B1 RCS.A45B2 RQTL11.R4B1 RQTL11.R4B2 RQTL11.L5B1 RQTL11.L5B2 RQS.R4B2 RQS.A45B1 ROF.A45B1 RQTF.A45B1 RQTD.A45B1 ROD.A45B1 RSS.A45B1 RSF1.A45B1 RSD1.A45B1 RSD2.A45B1 RSF2.A45B1 RQS.L5B2 RQT12.R4B1 RQT12.R4B2 RQT12.L5B1 RQT12.L5B2 RQT13.R4B1 RQT13.R4B2 RQT13.L5B1 RQT13.L5B2 RSF1.A45B2 RSD1.A45B2 RSS.A45B2 ROD.A45B2 RSF2.A45B2 ROF.A45B2 RSD2.A45B2 RQTD.A45B2 RQTF.A45B2

10 Tests PGC 1.5 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting10  Fast abord on 600A circuits  Same sequence applied in all sectors :  FPA on RCO (40A)  RCD (-150A) tripped  FPA on RCS (550A)  no other circuit involved  FPA on RQTL9/10/11 (400A/550A)  no other circuit involved  FPA on RQT12/13 (400/550A)  no other circuit involved  FPA on RQS (2 magnets)  no other circuit involved  FPA on RQS (4 magnets)  RQTD/F, ROD/F, RSD/F1 & 2, RSS tripped  FPA on RSF1 (400A)  RSD/F1 & 2, RSS, ROD/F, RQTD/F, RQS (4 magnets) tripped  Only circuits on the same beam tripped, no influence between B1 circuits and B2 circuits

11 Tests PGC 1.5 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting11  Fast abord on 600A circuits ROD ROF RQS

12 Tests PGC 1.8 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting12  Current cycles in matching section circuits  Tests often/always made with PGC 1.2  Nothing special to report

13 Tests PGC 1.9 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting13  FPA on SC separation dipole  When quench heaters fired in RD, ramp down of all other IPD, IPQ involved in the matching section.  Sequence OK in each sector when applicable  Note : RU circuit not powered because not commissionned yet.

14 Tests PGC 2 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting14  Heat run of the complete sector. Pictures of TT891a variation available on my public/MP3/PGC/PGC2  Sector 1-2 : 4 valves regulation to improve : DACB34/42, DXCX02, DXBX01  Sector 2-3 all regulation OK now  Sector 3-4 : 6 valves regulation to improve : DAGB06/10/13, DAGC02,07,08 – Cryo start sometimes lost because of DAGB10  Sector 4-5 all regulation OK  Sector 5-6 : 1 valve regulation to improve : DAKC09  Sector 6-7 : Not done, but a plateau of 1½h for PGC1.5  Sector 7-8 : 3 valves regulation to improve : DAOC11, DMAC01, DXGX03

15 Tests PGC 2 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting15  Heat run of the complete sector.  Sector 8-1 : 12 valves regulation to improve DAAB03/06, DAAC01/09, DAPB14/43, DAPC10, DLAC11, DXAX01/03/04, DXHX06  Heat run on triplet  Heat run on triplet made with reduced current 3900A and 1900A  Heat run with 5900A in RQX.R2 : variation of 17K on TT893 with CL2, only 8K with CL1 : similar during PNO.d11  Heat run with 5900A in RQX.R5 not done

16 Tests PGC 2 25/11/09S. Le Naour / MP3 meeting16  Heat run on triplets.  Only circuits with HTS leads have been checked, but it will be worth checking on triplet correctors (here below RCBXV3.L1)

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