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My Folding Vocab Book Strategy 1. Purpose  To learn and revise new words in effective way.

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Presentation on theme: "My Folding Vocab Book Strategy 1. Purpose  To learn and revise new words in effective way."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Folding Vocab Book Strategy 1

2 Purpose  To learn and revise new words in effective way

3 Main Idea and Usage  Many learners have a vocabulary book. The meanings are written down one side and the new words are on the other side. It may be difficult to learn words like that.

4 Steps 1.Read anything that you can get hold of including magazines, books, brochures or even manuals. Highlight any words that are unknown to you by underlining them. 2.Try folding the page down the middle and keeping half the page folded back and hidden. 3.Write the words in the list from the top to the bottom. 4.Cut each word in the half page which folds back into a strip. 5.You can fold each word strip back or bring it forwards again.

5 Steps 6.Then you can really test yourself. Go for your own record. Time yourself to get all the words right. 7.Every time you make a mistake you must start again.


7 Try It Out Yourself  Read the information in the advertisement. Locate the unfamiliar words or expressions and put them in ‘My Folding Vocab Book’ for your easy reference.

8 Self-assessment  Kindly complete this self-assessment from regarding how you feel about the strategy you have just learned. Please mark (X) in the relevant boxes. STRATEGY HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS STRATEGY? Very goodQuite good Not very good Terrible and horrible Folding Vocab Book

9 Variation  Keep on listing down new words that you come across. Your new words should not necessarily come from reading materials only. You may list down words that you hear while listening to the radio or watching television.  When you learn words in a list, you learn best the words at the beginning and end of the list. You often forget the words in the middle. Write the list again and put the middle words at the top or bottom of your new list.

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