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The Hunger Games Part III Vocabulary PREDICTION TO DEFINITION.

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1 The Hunger Games Part III Vocabulary PREDICTION TO DEFINITION

2 Pariah  “Whatever doubts I’ve had about him dissipate because if either of us took the other’s life now we’d be pariahs when we returned to District 12” (Collins 243).  The political party views Senator Johnson as a pariah because he often votes in opposition to his own party.

3 Pariah  A person who is rejected from society or home.

4 Ruse  “Even if they think it’s a ruse, I hope they’ll decide I’m hidden somewhere near it. While in reality, I’ll be tracking Peeta” (Collins 246).  One example of a military ruse is the Trojan horse.

5 Ruse a deceptive maneuver, especially to avoid capture

6 Incapacitated  “But if he’s that incapacitated, how has he managed to stay alive” (Collins 245).  Many travelers to Bolivia become incapacitated by altitude sickness caused by the thin air.

7 Incapacitated  lacking in or deprived of strength or power

8 Stalemate  “We’re at something of a stalemate. I know I can’t argue him out of this one, so I don’t try” (Collins 271).  A stalemate was reached when neither of the chess players could make a legitimate move.

9 Stalemate  a situation in which no progress can be made

10 Arduous  “It’s a slow and arduous process, but after a lot of sweating and shifting things around, I’m pretty pleased with my work, The cave now appears to be part of a larger pile of rocks, like so many in the vicinity” (Collins 274).  Needless to say, mastering a foreign language is an arduous challenge.

11 Arduous  characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

12 Poised  “I’m helpless as the first hunter crashes through the trees, spear lifted, poised to throw” (Collins 192).  Despite the chaos around her, the flight attendant remained poised and calm as she directed the passengers through the emergency exits.

13 Poised  Marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action.

14 Emaciated  “What’s left of Foxface’s emaciated body is lifted into the air” (Collins 314).  During the winter, many deer become emaciated and die because of a food shortage.

15 Emaciated  very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

16 Feral  “Wild eyes, hollow cheeks, my hair in a tangled mat. Rabid. Feral. Mad. No wonder everyone is keeping a safe distance from me” (342).  Because the horse is feral, it will be a while before it will be tame enough to be ridden.

17 Feral  Wild and menacing

18 Asphyxiation  “If I don’t do something quickly, he’ll die of asphyxiation and then I’ll have lost him and Cato will probably use his body as a weapon against me” (Collins 331).  Labels are printed on all plastic bags to warn buyers of the possible risk of asphyxiation.

19 Asphyxiation  The condition of being deprived of oxygen.

20 Rapport  “He and Peeta already have the rapport they established that night of the first interview, that easy banter, so I just smile a lot and try to speak as little as possible” (Collins 360).  It will take some effort and initiative to build a rapport with your new classmates, especially if you are an introvert.

21 Rapport  A relationship of mutual understanding between people.

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