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Essential Tools for EN Success 1 Ticket to Work Operations Support Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Tools for EN Success 1 Ticket to Work Operations Support Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Tools for EN Success 1 Ticket to Work Operations Support Manager

2 Operations 2

3 Goals and Timelines Set goals and performance benchmarks o Break them down monthly o Set them for individual staff members Motivate staff to take ownership of the program Track monthly to see where you are 3

4 Social Security Knowledge Learn basics to guide beneficiaries through effect of work on disability and medical benefits Know Social Security rules, work incentives, cash benefits o SSA Red Book – Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) support good, but need in-house knowledge too. Know enough to navigate the billing process for the Ticket to Work program Beneficiary Overpayment Fact Sheet in the Information Center, Resource Documents - 4

5 Interest Form Tired of tracking Ticket phone calls with “sticky notes?” o Utilize a handy form to track new Ticket calls o Use this form for initial data entry to database o Track monthly calls and who referred them for marketing purposes and staff work flow. 5

6 6

7 Keep Track of Your Data Track clients, services provided, employment outcomes and other pertinent data Include fields needed for Annual Performance Outcome Report (APOR) that the Social Security Administration (Social Security) requires Track staff progress and Ticket program goals – Save staff time 7

8 8 TICKET TO WORK DATA BASE ACCESS 2000 FIELDSEXPLANATION Last Name First Name Soc. Sec. # Street Address City County State Zip Home Phone No. Cell Phone No. Email Address SiteOffice location most convenient for client visit 1st Contact DateDate client first contacted office/phone or in person SSI/SSDISSI, SSDI, or SSDI/SSI if on both Cash AmountTotal amount of monthly cash benefits ImpairmentNature of their disability Age Birthdate M/F Ethnicity A – Asian B – Black C – Caucasian H – Hispanic HSS –Hispanic, Spanish Speaking only/limited English O –Other VETMilitary Veteran? Yes or No Referred ByWho referred them to our office, name of agency, friend, etc. If they saw our flyer, indicate where. If they called from list of ENs, put MAXIMUS) Staff RepJob Developer assigned to them StatusInterested, Assigned, Employed, Closed, Nonpar (Assigned but not participating), Unassigned, Inactive - Change status as situation changes.

9 9 TICKET TO WORK DATA BASE ACCESS 2000, continued FIELDSEXPLANATION Employment GoalFrom the IWP Last ContactDate of the last contact made with the client CommentsPut any helpful info. here not covered elsewhere AssignedDate of Assignment – Same date as IWP AssessmentDate assessment was completed Activity agencyJob Search, GED Classes, AA Degree, etc: List Referral to other agencies Reason (1)List reason for referral to other agency Referred to (2)If more than one referral, list 2nd Referral here Reason (2)List reason for referral to 2nd agency Current EmployerIf more than one job, put current employer Job Title Industry UseIndustry types from TTW Annual Periodic Outcome Report 1st Day/1st JobIf someone changes jobs, retain this date to help track payments Pay/Hr.Convert all pay to hourly Hrs/WkNo. of hours expected to work each week Est MonthlyEstimated monthly pay – Weekly pay times 4.3333 Med. Coverage (1)Group Ins., Medicare, Medicaid, VA Coverage, etc. Med. Coverage (2)If covered by more than one, list 2nd one here. TWP?Yes or No. Yes means they qualify for the trial work period #MosHow many trial work period months they have left Placement & Reten.Info. on employment, next milestone due, changes in job, hours, etc. 1st Milestone MonthFirst Milestone Month expected Date off all CashAnticipated date cash benefits will end

10 Benefits Planning Query Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) has wealth of information about client’s case Have clients sign both BPQY releases (SSA-3288) when they sign Individual Work Plan (IWP) To get BPQY, fax release forms to Social Security field office. Contact your Area Work Incentives Coordinator (AWIC) for more information on how to obtain. Handbook website: o on%205.2_7.19.2012.pdf on%205.2_7.19.2012.pdf 10

11 Release of Information - Employer What if clients don’t give you their pay stubs? Get Employer Release of Information Form signed up front, same time as IWP. Use this form to fax to employer, request earnings information, but do not divulge any information relating to your client’s disability or Ticket to Work. 11

12 12 AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE INFORMATION I, _______________________________________________, authorize my employer to release any and all pertinent employment information (start date, salary, ending date, etc.) as well as current address and phone number to any Your Agency Name staff person who calls/faxes to verify employment. I understand this information is required to assist in keeping accurate data regarding job services. By signing below, I give my consent to the Release of Information and will receive a copy of it upon request. This authorization shall be valid for five years from the date signed. _______________________________________ ______________________ Signature Date

13 Checklist for Client File Simple list of functions to do on all cases Check them off as you go Can easily track your activity at a glance Saves time rather than sift through the file. 13

14 14

15 Develop a Flow Chart Who will do what, in what order? You can attach staff names to each task. Be sure to take advantage of outside resources. Keep it simple – the fewer staff your client must see for services, the better. 15

16 16

17 Training and Resource Documents Take advantage of training and resources documents the Operations Support Manager provides o Ticket Training Tuesdays – First three Tuesdays of the month at 1 p.m. EST o Training Modules on o Easy to Follow Resource Guides and Tools Social Security/OSM monthly teleconferences o All EN Call – First Thursday o All Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Call – Second Tuesday o All EN Payments Call – Fourth Tuesday (All monthly calls at 3 p.m. EST. Visit, Information Center, Resource Documents for details.) 17

18 Technology Take advantage of the technology that is available to ENs including: Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to check Ticket status/assignability Secure Provider Portal o Check Ticket Assignability/Ticket History o Obtain Reports o Upload & Download Forms o No more faxing necessary/trackable transactions 18

19 Marketing the Ticket to Work Program 19

20 Website Recognition Incorporate information about your Ticket program on your organization’s website. Link to your Ticket website from EN Directory on Complete BPA Change Form. Consider having an online interest form added to your website. Consider adding a Facebook page that links to your web page. 20

21 Appropriate Name Does your agency or Ticket program name give away too much information, breach client confidentiality, or mislead people as to what you do? What first impression does a potential client get when they see your name? You can set up a “Doing Business As” (DBA) and attach a name to your Ticket program. For DBA, use the EN Contract Change Form. 21

22 Get the Word Out Use Press Releases or Public Service Announcements to promote your organization’s Ticket program to local news media. Launching or expanding Ticket program Include a “success story” of a client’s improved life or enjoyment of work. News media loves a “feel good” story. 22

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24 Script for Incoming Calls Does your staff know what to say when a person makes that first call about his/her Ticket? Helps to have a script or talking points, so the caller’s first point of contact answers their questions: o Benefits of signing up for Ticket program o Services that your agency provides 24

25 Network with Local Social Security Office You want to establish a good relationship with local Social Security offices. Ways to do this are: o Get to know local managers and staff o Do in-service trainings for local field office staff o Give staff your marketing brochures to add to their list of providers in the area o Share your accomplishments and success stories. o Ask for a telephone directory of Claims Representatives

26 Network with Service Providers Do all service providers (who are not ENs) in your area know what your Ticket program does? Offer to be a guest-speaker at in-service events. Make sure they know you can co-enroll participants who may be completing training or receiving other services from them. Network with your local State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency to establish a Partnership Plus arrangement for long-term job retention and follow-along services. 26

27 Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Get to know your local Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) agency. o Call them, introduce yourself, invite them to visit your office or ask to visit theirs. o Collaborate on outreach events such as Work Incentive Seminar Event (WISE) or job fairs o Refer consumers to them as needed for more in-depth work incentive planning o Let them know you’re actively taking Tickets and what services you provide. 27

28 28

29 Tools for Easing the Payment Process 29

30 Paystubs Paystubs are primary earnings evidence. Fax all client paystubs to beneficiary’s local Social Security office monthly Fax to local office first, then bill for payments This also helps the beneficiary avoid overpayments Contact employer using your signed release of information if no paystubs are attainable. 30

31 The Work Number - Equifax What if the client will not provide paystubs and you can not get them from the employer? Sign up for The Work Number – Social Services Can verify employment and earnings from participating employers o Express Service - Only pay for services used o Can search by SSN if employer is not known o Has helped ENs get thousands of dollars in revenue The Work Number will probably be your first choice for obtaining earnings evidence. 31

32 Invoice Process Platform (IPP) Department of Treasury system provides online verification of direct deposits (EN payments). More accurate accounting direct deposits. You get email notification of direct deposit with web access to each deposit with details. Sign up at http://www.ipp.gov 32

33 EN Payment Status Report Available on Secure Provider Portal 24/7, emailed weekly Know and understand your activity, pay attention to Payment Requests that are missing, learn the terminology. Payment Denial Reasons – Information can be found at, Information Center, Resource Documents Question decisions that don’t seem right. Allow 30 days to process a payment before contacting the EN Payments Help Desk at: 866.949.3687 33

34 Monthly Earnings Estimator Automatically calculates a beneficiary's income from paystubs you enter Calculates Supplemental Security Income (SSI) earnings based on pay dates and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) based on pay periods Pro-rates SSDI earnings that cross over into another month Lets you know if earnings met Trial Work and Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) levels, including SGA for both blind and non-blind. Tool can be found on the Portal and also on, Information Center, Resource Documents To effectively use this tool, you need to know if on SSI, SSDI, or concurrent 34

35 Peer to Peer Support National Employment Network Association (NENA) Indispensable peer-to-peer support, industry voice for providers to government agencies. Excellent way to meet other ENs and learn from the best. Annual national conferences For information: 35

36 Questions and Answers For more information, contact an Account Specialist 1.866.949.3687 Or email: 36

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