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 Rodríguez.  Animal Abuse in the Food Industry.

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Presentation on theme: " Rodríguez.  Animal Abuse in the Food Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1  Rodríguez

2  Animal Abuse in the Food Industry

3  The food industry provides us with meat to satisfied our necessities, but you know how the animal are treat during this process?  Far:  When the animals are into the “farms” they are hitted, they are mark with hot iron, the are collocated in very very reduced space and they live without sun light  Transport:  During the transport, the animals are exposed to long periods without food and water, they travel with high levels of stress and as they travel in high quantities, some times they die crushed.  Die:  The way to kill this animals are totally inhuman, generally they are kill with industries artefacts that make their die impossible to describe. Problem


5   The solution s are not so effectives, because the big industries would not change their process, but that you can do in protest way is:  Not eat the food of the big corporations.  Inform yourself about the problem  Inform to the people.  Support the food that the little far offers us.  Become to vegetarian. Solutions

6 Cosmetics

7  In cosmetic research carried out painful experiments on hundreds of thousands of animals each year, including rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice. These tests include irritation of the skin or eyes, skin sensitization ( cause allergies ), toxicity (poisoning), mutagenicity ( genetic damage ), teratogenicity (birth defects ), carcinogenic ( causing cancer ), embryonic or fetal genetic damage, toxicokinetics (to study the absorption, metabolism, distribution and excretion of chemicals ).


9 The animal mistreatment is a serious problem but the society don´t see the reality. They think It’s Art¡¡¡ or is a animal game. The people pay for see these mistreatment alone a moment. circus Rodeo

10 “The bullfight” It’s a massacre in live¡¡¡ A Lot of people pay for see how die the bulls. It’s terrible see how run the blood and those animals die bit by bit.

11 -We will be the difference for change all¡¡ -If you don’t want more mistreatment then support us. -We must cancel the bullfight¡¡ -Don’t more mistreatment¡¡ -Don’t allow kill bulls. -If you know someone who makes animal abuse report it.

12  Campaign against the problem.

13  Dairy Industry

14 Dairy industry is a business enterprise established for the harvesting or processing of animal milk for human consumption. And you might say, “It’s okay, it’s only milk”, but, there are so many problems, just like: Like all mammals, cows must give birth in order to make milk. Like human mothers, they carry their babies for nine months, then begin to lactate for the sole purpose of nourishing their young. Due to extensive genetic manipulation, today’s dairy cows produce up to 12 times more milk than they would naturally produce to feed a calf.

15 Dairy farming begins by making bulls ejaculate, typically using an “electroejaculator,” collecting their sperm and then forcibly impregnating female cows with the semen in a constraining device the industry refers to as a “rape rack.” Physical injury, disease and infection can occur as a cause of artificial insemination, especially if as the industry states the person providing insemination is not extremely careful and properly trained. Ever heard of rennet? It is “a complex of enzymes produced in any mammalian stomach, and is often used in the production of cheese.” Seeing videos of dairy cruelty and understanding just how widespread this cruelty is can be daunting. Some may feel that the problem is too big, that there’s nothing we can do to change the lives of these animals.

16 But it doesn’t have to be this way: animal rescue organizations like Farm Sanctuary exist to give cows and other farm animals a life free of pain and exploitation. Supporting organizations like these, as well as relinquishing your support of the dairy industry, is the best and easiest way you can help abused dairy cows. Even without making a point on how 2.5 percent of the American manages to survive without drinking milk, it would be easy to see that milk is not some magic life elixir: lactose- intolerance has been common among the population for many years. These people live with either a severely reduced intake of dairy or absolutely no dairy intake at all, and still manage to live happy, meaningful lives. So, if you understand how to find the beneficial vitamins found in milk from other sources, there is no need to consume dairy.

17  Solutions 1.Find dairy substitutes. Milk, cheese, and ice-creams derived from soy, rice, almond, hemp seed, and oat, fortified or not, are suitable alternatives to dairy products. 2.Find non-dairy ice-cream. There are many different kinds of non-dairy ice-creams that are made out of soy, rice, and hemp. 3.Go for non-dairy yogurt. Most people who adopt a vegan diet or at least a non-dairy diet report missing yogurt. Its smooth, creamy taste is hard to replicate with non-dairy origins. 4.Make sure you're getting enough calcium. Luckily for you, calcium- fortified nut and grain milk offer similar key nutrients as dairy milk. You can also buy calcium-fortified orange juice.

18 You’re not a cow, why would you biologically need cow’s milk to survive?

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