Student-Led Conferences. Who will attend? You Your Parent Your Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Student-Led Conferences. Who will attend? You Your Parent Your Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student-Led Conferences

2 Who will attend? You Your Parent Your Advisor

3 What is a student-led conference? It’s a chance for you to reflect on your progress from the year, set goals for the next quarter and showcase all the hard work you’ve done.

4 When and where are the conferences? They are the Wednesday and Thursday before spring break and they happen in your advisor’s classroom. Your parents got an email asking them to sign up- so please remind them to do that soon!

5 Why student-led? Who knows better how you are doing at school better than you? We want you to be there to celebrate your successes and reflect on what you need and what you can do to be successful the rest of the year!

6 Let’s take a look at what your conference might look like….


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