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Approaches to developing Mental Factors. Learning Outcome I can describe, explain and evaluate different approaches to improving my mental performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Approaches to developing Mental Factors. Learning Outcome I can describe, explain and evaluate different approaches to improving my mental performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approaches to developing Mental Factors

2 Learning Outcome I can describe, explain and evaluate different approaches to improving my mental performance.

3 Mental Imagery Mental Imagery is when you go through an event or activity in your mind without making any physical movements. Its about creating a picture within your mind of your performance. Performers who have practiced using imagery over a long time include detail such as what they hear, see, feel and smell during the performance. The images should involve performing successfully and feeling satisfied with your performance.

4 When should it be carried out? This approach is carried out daily and focuses on different elements of the performance. Every eventuality should be visualized so that the performer is fully prepared for unpredictable situations. It is equally if not more important than the physical training. "Regularly visualize yourself winning matches by running powerful, vivid and emotional images of success through your mind, seeing yourself playing brilliantly in every department of the game" Roger Federer

5 Golf Example 8pM In golf a player will stand behind the ball and visualise the shot before playing it. They will visualise the flight of the ball, its shape in the air and where it will land on the green.

6 What are the advantages of Mental Imagery? It can refocus the athlete when the need arises e.g. if a performance is feeling sluggish, imagery of a previous best performance can help get things back on track. It can motivate performers by recalling images of success in past competitions or beating a competitor in a competition. Because of this the performer will be confident before taking part in the game or performance. Improves decision making by visualising situations that may occur during a performance and what you intend to do in those situations. It will ensure performers stay calm and in control during these situations. Reduce negative thoughts and stress related reactions e.g. muscular tension by focusing on positive outcomes. This means that your skills will be performed more fluently and with better timing.

7 What are the disadvantages of Mental Imagery? Normally performers need an area that is free of distractions in order to use imagery. This can be difficult to find in a training or competition environment. For mental imagery to be effective it must be practised. As it is not seen as being as important as physical practice a performer may not give enough time to this mental practice to get the benefits. You must be physically able and proficient for this technique to be successful. If you are unable to perform the basic skills and movement patterns of the game, imagery will be ineffective. In the moment, this approach can be forgotten as distractions and other factors result in the performer losing focus.

8 Deep Breathing Deep breathing helps people focus and shut out unnecessary distractions. It is only possible to use this approach during a performance where you can stop, pause and take the deep breaths This allows you to control your breathing rate and concentrate.

9 Deep Breathing It is effective if a performer suffers from anxiety, and can be used before the performance begins to settle feelings of nervousness. You lose three points in a row in a game of tennis. If this happens step off the court and take three deep breaths before commencing play.

10 What are the advantages of deep breathing? It is an easy technique to understand and use. Therefore, there is a greater chance of it being successful as performers don't get confused. It helps to control nerves before a performance, which means a performer will be at the optimum level of arousal. Because of this a performer will not get distracted and they will make the correct decisions. Performers regroup very quickly after an error. For example in volleyball if a player serves the ball into the net, they will use deep breathing to forgot the error and focus on the next point. It removes stress related reactions e.g. increased muscular tension. This means that your skills will be performed more fluently and with better timing.

11 What are the disadvantages of deep breathing? Some performers may not take it seriously or think it doesn't work. Therefore when it comes to using it in competition they won't fully commit to the process and it will be ineffective. For deep breathing to be effective it must be practised. As it is not seen as being as important as physical practice a performer may not spend enough time on it. In a fast paced game such as hockey it can be difficult to carry out because there might not be a break in the play.

12 Exam Type Questions 1a. Describe 2 approaches to developing mental factors. 4 marks 1b. Choose one of these approaches and evaluate the effectiveness of using it to improve mental factors 4 marks

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