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Chelsey Samide Ashford University 6 December 2015 WEEK 5: MNEMONIC DEVICES.

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1 Chelsey Samide Ashford University 6 December 2015 WEEK 5: MNEMONIC DEVICES

2 Master Resiliency Training (MRT) I am currently in a Master Resiliency Training for my job. Upon completion of this 2- week long course, I will become a certified Resiliency Trainer for the Fort Hood Installation. There is a lot of material to cover in this 2 week period and in order for me to learn/retain most of the information I have to create Mnemonic devices for certain steps or phrases. Mnemonics are “devices and techniques to improve memory (and) can help students retain information over time” (Richardson, Morgan, & Fleener, 2012, p. 284). In order for me to remember the 7-step process of “Goal Setting” I made up my own mnemonic device. Yes, it may be weird but I have the system memorized!

3 Master Resiliency Training (MRT) Goal Setting (7 Steps )  1. Determine Your Goal  2. Know Where You Are  3. Decide What Your Plan Is  4. Develop Your Plan  5. Do Your Plan  6. Commit to Your Plan  7. Check-In on Your Progress Keywords For Each Step  1. End-State  2. Energize  3. Prioritize  4. Smart Steps  5. W(WIN)  6. Motivation  7. I (IPR) DKDDDCC IM WITH SMART PEE

4 MNEUMONIC DEVICE  On this side was the mnemonic device: DKDDDCC (reading from top to bottom)  To memorize Goal Setting Steps sing the letters in a fast pace!  On this side was the mnemonic device: IM WITH SOME PEE  Although it sounds weird it has helped me memorize the “key words” of Goal Setting and I think it will help my future students as well!  This device is read from bottom to top!

5 RESOURCE Richardson, J., Morgan, R., Fleener, C. (2012). Reading to learn in the content areas (8th ed). Belmont. CA: Cengage Learning.

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