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 Based on the photograph, identify the rights that the protestors are demanding on the signs?

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Presentation on theme: " Based on the photograph, identify the rights that the protestors are demanding on the signs?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Based on the photograph, identify the rights that the protestors are demanding on the signs?


3  You will have four minutes to write FIVE statements about the March on Washington based on the two videos.  Write in COMPLETE SENTENCES!


5 Aug. 28, 1963  organized by Phillip A. Randolph (BSCP), MLK (SCLC), James Farmer (CORE), and John Lewis (SNCC) “We Shall Overcome” March was in support of a civil rights bill proposed by JFK White and black religious leaders and celebrities  James Baldwin, Sammy Davis Jr., Jackie Robinson, Bob Dylan, and Joan Baez Effects: Civil rights leaders met with JFK during the march and were assured of his support of a new Civil Rights bill

6  Based on the speech, describe a minimum of FIVE goals of MLK, Jr. in his speech.  For example, “I have a dream that one day Negroes and whites will be able to sit next to each other on a train.”  Goal: Desegregation of public modes of transportation

7  Passed the House of Representatives  Southern Senators attempted a filibuster to block passage of act for 75 days  LBJ enlisted called upon support from other members of the Senate for cloture— 3/5 vote to limit debate and call for a vote  June 1964—Senate voted for cloture—filibuster failed  Passed by the Senate and signed into law by LBJ on July 2, 1964

8  Passed the House of Representatives  Southern Senators attempted a filibuster to block passage of act for 75 days  June 1964—Senate voted for cloture (3/5 vote to limit debate and call for a vote)  —filibuster failed  Passed by the Senate and signed into law by LBJ on July 2, 1964

9  All voting requirements must be the same for all people  prohibited discrimination in public accommodations such as motels, restaurants, gas stations, theaters, and sports arenas  banned discrimination on basis of race, sex, or religion by employers  Set up Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate wrongdoings

10  What are the provisions of Title I and Title II?  What does Title II, Sec. 206 say?  Why do you think Congress was so particular in defining every term used in Section 201?  What is the provision of Title VI?

11  Title I banned the use of different voter registration standards for blacks and whites  Title II prohibited discrimination in public accommodations such as motels, restaurants, gas stations, theaters, and sports arenas  Title VI allowed the withholding of federal funds from public or private programs practicing discrimination  Title VII banned discrimination on basis of race, sex, or religion by employers  Set up Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

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