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Connecting Hemispheres 500-1800. People and Empires in the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Hemispheres 500-1800. People and Empires in the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Hemispheres 500-1800

2 People and Empires in the Americas


4 European Renaissance Birthplace: Italy (around the 1300s) What happened? – A period of intellectual and artistic creativity – Artists and writers revive techniques, styles, and subjects from classical Greece and Rome and celebrate human achievement

5 The Northern Renaissance Who: German and Flemish artists Major event: – Gutenberg’s Printing Press

6 The Reformation What it is: a movement for religious reform and challenges the authority of the Roman Catholic Church Led by: Martin Luther Helped by: King Henry VIII (England) – Starts Church of England

7 Protestantism What it is: Denominations of Christianity with the common belief that the individual can interpret the Bible without clergy or Catholic Church tradition – Calvinists – Anabaptists Catholic Church Reaction: Introduces its own reforms

8 The Muslim World Expands Muslims control the Middle East, India, North Africa, and parts of Europe

9 The Ottoman Empire Move into Byzantium Take Constantinople Add Syria and Palestine Use janissaries and devshirme to control the empire Janissaries- member of the Turkish infantry Devshirme- system of collecting Christian boys from the Balkans and turing them into slaves

10 Safavid Empire Take old Persian Empire Expand to Caucasus Mountains Build a new capital Use janissary- style army to control the empire

11 Mughal Empire Delhi Sultanate loosely controls Indian subcontinent Barbur lays groundwork for an empire Akbar controls most of subcontinent in empire Aurangzeb expands empire to its largest size

12 European Exploration Main reason for exploration: desire for new sources of wealth Other motivation: Spread Christianity What made it possible: Advances in technology – Caravel and triangular sails – Navigational techniques and tools

13 Portugal Leads Why: Strong government support Areas explored: Africa and Asia Key People: – Prince Henry – Vasco da Gama

14 Spanish Why: Desire for a direct sea route to Asia AND Rivalry with Portugal Areas explored: New World Key Person: Christopher Columbus

15 Treaty of Tordesillas Treaty of Tordesillas- agreement between Spain and Portugal to honor the Line of Demarcation that stated lands east of the line belonged to Portugal and lands west of the line belonged to Spain

16 Trading Empires in the Indian Ocean Portugal took control of spice trade from Muslim merchants English and Dutch challenge Portugal's dominance Also fought each other Dutch East India Company- richer and more powerful than England’s company, drove out the English and established their dominance in the region

17 Isolation China 1433- Abandons voyages of exploration 1500s- Severely restrict trade with foreigners Japan 1612- Outlaws Christianity and drives out Christian missionaries 1630s- Institute a “closed country policy” and remain isolated from Europe for 200 years

18 The Atlantic World- Europeans 1500s- Spanish and Portuguese colonize Central and South America and establish prosperous overseas empires Conquistador- conquerors

19 The Atlantic World- Europeans 1600s-1700s- English, French, and Dutch battle for control of North America…. English are victorious

20 The Atlantic World- Native Americans Between 1521 and 1533 the once mighty Aztec and Incan empires fall to the invading Spanish

21 The Atlantic World- Native Americans Throughout the Americas, the native population is devastated by European conquests and diseases

22 The Atlantic World- Africans Beginning around 1500, millions of Africans are taken from their homeland and forced to labor as slaves in the Americas

23 The Atlantic World- Africans Africans eventually become an important part of the Americas, as they populate the various regions and share aspects of their culture

24 Columbian Exchange- a period of cultural and biological exchanges between New and Old Worlds Exchanges of plants, animals, diseases, and technology transformed European and Native American ways of life.

25 Middle Passage- the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of Africans were shipped to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade.

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