T/F Magma is a mix of molten rock, gases and minerals crystals.

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Presentation on theme: "T/F Magma is a mix of molten rock, gases and minerals crystals."— Presentation transcript:

1 T/F Magma is a mix of molten rock, gases and minerals crystals.

2 T/F Sandstone is a very durable igneous rock.

3 T/F Valuable ore deposits are found at igneous extrusions.

4 T/F Minerals melt and crystallize at different temperatures.

5 T/F Igneous rocks can be identified by their texture and crystal size.

6 T/F Diamonds are some found in igneous intrusions known as kimberlites.

7 T/F During physical weathering, chemical structure remains unchanged.

8 T/F Cementation must occur in order for weathering to happen.

9 T/F It takes large water flow to move large mass rocks.

10 T/F Sediments and erosion are always carried uphill.

11 T/F When a solution becomes saturated, precipitates begin to sink to the bottom.

12 T/F Sedimentary rocks form from rock and mineral fragments and metamorphic rock form from existing rock.

13 MC As water content in rocks increase, the melting point: A) Increase B) Decreases C) Stays the same

14 Intrusive igneous rocks form: A) Fine-grained rock B) on Earth’s surface C) Coarse-grained rock

15 Rocks are formed when magma: A) Erodes B) Crystallizes C) Weathers D) Erupts

16 Igneous rock that cool slowly beneath the Earth’s surface are: A) Metamorphic B) Extrusive C) Intrusive D) Light-colored

17 Igneous rocks that cool quickly on the Earth’s surface are: A) Intrusive B) Hard C) Fine-grained D) Magnetic

18 Valuable ore deposits are usually associated with: A) Oceans B) This crusted areas C) Erosion D) Igneous intrusions

19 T/F Lava is molten rock inside the Earth.

20 T/F Gabbro is a light-colored rock high in silicates.

21 T/F Dark-colored rocks contain Iron and Magnesium

22 T/F Ultramafic rock has many layers and is very light-colored.

23 T/F Geodes are solid extrusive igneous rocks.

24 T/F Diamonds can be found in veins of rock called pegmatites.

25 Vocabulary What is a clastic sedimentary rock made of?

26 Vocabulary What is deposition?

27 Vocabulary Explain lithification.

28 Vocabulary What is porosity?

29 MC Garnets, Rubies, Sapphires, Amethysts are: A) Kimberlites B) Pegmatites C) Night lights D)Alumilites

30 Rock Cycle Sedimentary rocks are made of what?

31 T/F Kimberlites are a valuable type of Sedimentary rock.

32 Rock Cycle How are metamorphic rocks formed?

33 Rock Cycle What has to happen to a sedimentary rock in order for it to form an igneous rock?

34 Rock Cycle What does Metamorphosis mean?

35 Rock Cycle What creates sediments?

36 Rock Cycle What has to happen to a metamorphic rock in order for it to change into an igneous rock?


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