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The purpose of this presentation is to help teachers, parents, students and social workers, work together in regards to those who are experiencing bullying,

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Presentation on theme: "The purpose of this presentation is to help teachers, parents, students and social workers, work together in regards to those who are experiencing bullying,"— Presentation transcript:


2 The purpose of this presentation is to help teachers, parents, students and social workers, work together in regards to those who are experiencing bullying, depression and suicide.

3 What are different types of bullying? Physical shoving, kicking, punching Verbal name-calling, joking about others beliefs or abilities Indirect spreading rumors or stories about someone, sharing private information

4 Social alienation excluding someone from a group on purpose Intimidation threatens or frightens a person enough to make him or her do what the bully wants Cyber-bullying sending messages, pictures or information via electronic media; computers (email or instant messages), cell phones (text or voicemail)

5 L_zE L_zE

6 1. Talk About it 2. Look for it 3. Teach bystanders how to safely intervene 4. Model good anger management skills 5. Confront enabling behaviour when you see or hear it

7 Talk About it ….RESPECT a.Have class discussions b.Watch videos c.Suggest books

8 Look for it….HONESTY a. Don’t minimize it b. Don’t normalize it

9 Teach bystanders how to safely intervene…LOVE/TRUTH a. Bystanders are those who stand around and watch the bullying episodes

10 4. Model good anger management skills….HUMILTY/WISDOM a. Talk the talk and walk the walk b. Show others a better way to handle the stress than by yelling

11 5. Confront enabling behaviour when you see or hear it….BRAVERY a. Refrain from saying things like, “She needs to learn to stand up for herself” or “He needs to learn how to take a joke” b. Tactfully explain that you are uncomfortable when you hear intolerant or disrespectful comments

12 Is not the same as occasional adolescent mood swings or feelings of frustration and anger that may accompany daily hassles, such as arguments with friends and family or the run of the mill complaints about school, teachers, or other students. These are short term effects of living.


14 A depressed mood lasting longer than 2 weeks Loss of interest or pleasure in activities Sleeps too much or too little Changes in appetite or weight Feelings of worthlessness Difficulty thinking or concentrating Difficulty making decisions Difficulty getting things done Irritability or easily angered Decreased energy levels Classifies even minor problems as personal failure Taking the blame for things not their fault or in their control Tired and listless Believes he/she is ugly/unattractive Not caring about anything Increased or decreased appetite Decreased personal hygiene Excessive crying over small matters Feeling blah, no feelings at all Negative thoughts about self/world

15 Parents, caregivers, teachers and close friends are the best observers of an adolescents behaviour, but unfortunately do not always know what to look for or too often do not realize how serious the adolescent is when they bring up their suicidal thoughts.


17 Increased interest in things pertaining to suicide Previous attempts Depression, hopelessness, helplessness Risk taking behaviour Suicide notes Self harming/self mutilation Inability to concentrate Direct or indirect suicide threats Being swayed by media/celebrity reports Making final arrangements Being bullied, victimized or being a bully Changes in sleep patterns Sudden weight gain or loss Sudden changes in friends A sudden interest in guns/weapons Self harming/self mutilation Inability to concentrate Changes in physical habits Low levels of communication with parents Great interest in death

18 Make someone’s day better wCxAilEAs wCxAilEAs

19 Teaches participant about what to look for in regards to : Depression Suicide Preventative Measures for depression and suicide

20 There is help available. IFC – Willard Pine and Genny Boyer Algoma Family Services I highly recommend for teachers and social workers and parent of high risk teenagers take the ASIST training Contact Rick Gadde @


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