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Persuasion Is All Around You!. What is persuasion? A means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasion Is All Around You!. What is persuasion? A means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasion Is All Around You!

2 What is persuasion? A means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way to agree with a point of view

3 Slogan: “Just do it!” A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product

4 Repetition: The name of a product is repeated many times HEAD ON Apply directly to the forehead to

5 Repetition Adolph Hitler wrote, “The intelligence of the masses is small. Their forgetfulness is great. They must be told the same thing a thousand times.”

6 Bandwagon A statement suggesting that everyone is using a specific product, so you should too

7 Testimonial A well-known person supports a product or service T-Mobile

8 Emotional Appeal A person is made to have strong feelings about a situation or product Save the Children

9 Expert Opinion Experts approve this product, so you should use it “Four out of five dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum”

10 Snob Appeal Appealing to someone’s desire to be elite, glamorous, or better than others Suggests you will be the best Mandel watches: Keep time with the best

11 Snob Appeal High class businesses rely on nothing less than the efficient elite Armstrong Gold Mouse to navigate through the computer maze.

12 Name Calling Name Calling An attack on the other company or other product

13 Name Calling Name Calling Stereotyping a group of people

14 Name Calling Name Calling

15 Plain Folks Plain Folks Use of ordinary people to promote a product Hamburger Helper shows a mother in the kitchen cooking dinner.

16 Sweeping Generalization Applying the rules or facts about one situation to other situations or all situations A broad statement (stereotyping) about a group of people based on limited evidence

17 The Inforad Pocket GPS The perfect gift for that man in your life who gets lost and will never ask for directions.

18 Red Herring Trying to distract someone by changing the subject, deception, or using details not relevant to issue Trade in your old clunker for a new Saturn Express while there is still time since global warming is opening the door andsetting the stage for environmental disaster.

19 Circular Argument Using a conclusion to prove a point Crystal ear phones are the best choice for clear sound because they produce the clearest, static free flow of sound.

20 Statistical Appeal Using statistics to persuade

21 Audience Awareness Advertisers know how to target their audiences use appropriate persuasive technique

22 Who’s the audience?

23 Audience?









32 Audience

33 Relevant Facts Advertisers spend over $200 billion a year on TV advertising The average cost for Super Bowl ads is $4 million per 30 second spot The average American watches about 24,000 TV commercials a year

34 Reflection “Persuasion is all around you” In addition to TV commercials, where else do you see persuasion all around you? Is that persuasion influencing you or your family in any way? Explain.

35 Adapted from the work of: Jennifer Bernhard Literacy Specialist Clark County Schools

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