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Old and New Communities

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1 Old and New Communities
Unit 2: Native Americans

2 The Navajo Tribe

3 The Navajo Tribe The Navajo Tribes believed the world around them to be holy (sacred, being filled with spirit). They used natural resources (any materials that come from nature). Examples: Oil, water, wood, coal, Wind, crops, etc.

4 The Navajo Tribe In order to eat, the Navajo tribe had to farm as well as hunt.

5 The Navajo Tribe The Navajo tribe herded sheep and goats. They used the wool from sheep to make warm and unique blankets.

6 The Navajo Tribe The Navajo tribe live in traditional homes, hogans.

7 The Navajo Tribe Sand Paintings were used during ceremonies to heal the sick.

8 The Yurok Tribe The Yurok Tribe are from the northern coast of California.

9 The Yurok Tribe The Yurok are from the northern coast of California where the world’s tallest trees grow, Redwood trees.

10 The Yurok Tribe The main resources that this tribe used were the rivers and forests because of their location. These resources influenced their life style. The Yurok Tribe like the Navajo Tribe also believed nature to be sacred.

11 The Yurok Tribe In order to eat, the Yurok community shared, hunted, fished, and gathered food. A fish that the Yurok Tribe often ate was Salmon.

12 The Yurok Tribe The Yurok Tribe lived in houses that were built partly underground. They used the wood from the Redwood trees.

13 The Yurok Tribe Economy: the way people buy or trade goods.
The Yurok Tribe traded to other people and tribes. They traded one item for another item this is called bartering.

14 The Yurok Tribe Money is anything that has value.
The Yurok Tribe used a different type of money than we use. The Yurok Tribe used special shells known as tooth shells for money (one chain of shells = a small boat).

15 Southeastern United States
The Cherokee Tribe Southeastern United States

16 The Cherokee Tribe In order to hunt fish and gather food, the Cherokee tribe were dependent on the forests, rivers, and rich soil.

17 The Cherokee Tribe The Cherokee tribe built 2 homes. They built one for the summer that was large and made with posts. The other home was built for the winter, and it was smaller, round, and built for warmth.

18 The Cherokee Tribe Sequoyah was the creator of the Cherokee alphabet.
The Cherokee alphabet was made of 86 “letters” that were based upon sounds.

19 The Cherokee Tribe The Cherokee Tribe is known for the Trail of Tears.
The Trail of Tears was an event when European settlers forced the Cherokee people to leave their homes and move west to what is known as Oklahoma.

20 Haudenosaunee Tribe The Haudenosaunee tribe lived in the Northeastern region of the United States, primarily New York. This is much colder region of our country.

21 Haudenosaunee Tribe In order for the Haudenosaunee tribe to eat, they farmed as well as hunted. This tribe farmed in the summer and stored the food for the winter.

22 Haudenosaunee Tribe The Haudenosaunee tribe lived in long, narrow homes that look in apartment buildings (6-10 people lived inside one house). Due to the homes they lived in, they were given the name “People of the Longhouse.”

23 Haudenosaunee Tribe The Haudenosaunee tribe created a government that the tribes were governed or ruled by which was known as the Iroquois League. The government strived for peace and unity amongst their tribes. There were 5 types of Haundenosaunee tribes that followed the league. This is the belt that the tribe made to represent the Iroquois tribe.

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