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English: This week the children completed their fact files of a sea creature based on their research. We have looked at a children’s newspaper and compared.

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Presentation on theme: "English: This week the children completed their fact files of a sea creature based on their research. We have looked at a children’s newspaper and compared."— Presentation transcript:

1 English: This week the children completed their fact files of a sea creature based on their research. We have looked at a children’s newspaper and compared features to other non-fiction texts. Maths: We recapped on how to find the difference between two numbers and how this can be recorded as a subtraction number sentence. The children investigated numbers with the same differences. We have also looked at how to use a Venn diagram to sort numbers and choose our own criteria for sorting.

2 Phonics: Miss Livingstone’s group have looked into the alternative pronunciations of ou (would), ch (chef), ey (they) and y (very). Miss Walton’s group have continued to explore adding suffixes. ‘ful’ e.g. Playful, ‘ly’ e.g. Sadly, and adding both e.g. Hopefully and how it changes the meaning of the word. Topic: This week the children sorted animals by their own groupings. We looked into different animals groups- birds, insects, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and fish and found examples of each.

3 Dates: Monday 30 th June- Hunstanton trip Wednesday 2 nd July- Move up day Monday 7 th July- sports day Friday 11th July- Food and Farming Day

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