 is a set of instructions that tell the computer what to do. Software can be categorized into: 1. Operating system software 2. Applications software.

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2  is a set of instructions that tell the computer what to do. Software can be categorized into: 1. Operating system software 2. Applications software

3  a computer requires an operating system (OS) in order to function  the operating system displays icons, such as the recycle bin, that the user can interact with, this is called the user interface. The operating system performs the following functions: 1. Job Management - determines the order and timing in which programs run

4 2. Task Management - prioritizes the running of programs 3. Data Management - keeps track of where data is stored 4. Device Management - controls peripheral devices through software called drivers which are installed into the operating system

5 5. Security - is provided in a multi user environment by providing passwords and scheduling backups Some operating systems that you might be familiar with are: - Windows 7, Mac OS, Unix, Linux

6 Utility Programs - is software that helps your computer and improves the OS and computers functions Ex. Anti-virus, Data-compression programs, Data-recovery software, defragmenting programs, etc.

7  are programs used to perform tasks other than run the computer  it is the application software that allows the user to accomplish work The following are some of the application software that we will be using during this course: 1. Word processing software - is used to create and edit text files with basic graphic functions

8 2. Spreadsheet software - is used to create and edit rows and columns with numbers and perform calculations 3. Database software - is used to create and edit records in order to sort and filter data according to criteria 4. Presentation software - is used to create slide shows with text, graphics, animations and transitions

9 5. Web authoring software - is used to create and edit html for a website 6. Internet browser software - is used to navigate on the web 7. Adobe Acrobat Reader - is used to read portable document files (.pdf)

10 Some application software that you might be familiar with: - Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect, Microsoft Excel, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Internet Explorer

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