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Title Author Narrative Text. fearfully fear + fully The crowd scattered fearfully to get away from the viscous dog. in a fearful way.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Author Narrative Text. fearfully fear + fully The crowd scattered fearfully to get away from the viscous dog. in a fearful way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Author Narrative Text

2 fearfully fear + fully The crowd scattered fearfully to get away from the viscous dog. in a fearful way

3 alley al ley Deliveries to businesses usually arrive through the back alley. a narrow street behind buildings

4 wagged wag(g) + ed The lost dog wagged his tail when he saw his owner who had come to get him. moved back and forth; shook

5 pelted pelt + ed Lucy’s sisters pelted her with hail after a weird summer storm. hit hard

6 decorate dec or ate Jimmy and Kwan help to decorate the class Christmas tree. add things to make something prettier

7 glowered glower + ed Felix the cat glowered at his sister before he pounced on her. stared at in anger

8 apologized apolog(y) + ized Bowzer apologized the only way he knew how -with his eyes. said you were sorry

9 intricate in tri cate The intricate details on this wedding cake make it look like the bride’s dress. complicated, fancy

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