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Ist U.S.Government Brigantine North Middle School By M. J. Brestle.

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2 Ist U.S.Government Brigantine North Middle School By M. J. Brestle

3 Notes April 30,1789 – George Washington is inaugurated (def.) – in _____ _____ City. Sworn into office New York City Masons?

4 The Electoral College members each write down __ names, the top vote getter = _______________, and with runner-up = _________ _______ (1789 2 nd place = ___________ _______) 2 President Vice-President John Adams

5 Define precedent – An act or decision that sets an example for later actions Examples: Washington created a Cabinet (def).- group of advisors Two term limit

6 The First Cabinet Secretary of State = ________ ________ Secretary of War = ________ ________ Secretary of Treasury = ________ _______ Attorney General = _________ ________ -advise the President on legal matters Thomas Jefferson Henry Knox Alexander Hamilton Edmund Randolph–

7 Supreme Court: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court = ______ ______ and _____ other judges. John Jay 5

8 Washington’s troubles: A.Other nations did not respect the US B. Most people were loyal to their states not the federal government of the United States C. Economic Problems

9 Economic Problems 1.Debt from the Revolutionary War- US = $____ million States= $____million Total = $____ million 2. Pay for new government ___________ – army and _______ 3. Money to set up the US ____ ______ US debt= $52, State debt=$25, Total=$77 Workers= army and navy Post Office Alexander Hamilton

10 Hamilton’s Solution Alexander Hamilton developed his plan using principles from Adam Smith who wrote the book Wealth of Nations. Smith was a ______________ economist who believed in the value of ‘capital’ (def.) – Scottish Money for investment

11 Concepts of ‘Capitalism’ ‘Capitalism’ (def.) – Should be few limits by the ___________ Should have ______owned and operated businesses Competition and free market will determine _______ and _______. Economic system that has private enterprise, competition and free market Government Privately Products prices

12 Hamilton’s Solution 1.Pay off old loans and war ____________ = $______ million, especially Government bonds (def.)- (Hamilton and Jefferson make a deal- to get Southerners support, the new capital was be to built in the __________.) 2. Make new tax laws to raise _____________ ~tariff (def.) – ~ excise tax (def.)- e.g. tax on whiskey 3. Create a National Bank (1791)

13 Hamilton’s Solution Debt $80 million Government agreement to pay back loans Washington (South) Revenue (money) Tax on goods coming into the country Tax on goods made in the US

14 Role of the National Bank 1.A strongbox (safe) for government tax _________ 2.To control the economy by making _________ and controlling ______ rates 3.To print/ coin ________ Revenues Loans Interest Currency (money)

15 Controversy over National Bank- How to interpret the Constitution

16 Federalists -For a National Bank -loose interpretation of Constitution: if not forbidden in the Constitution ~ then it is allowed -Article I Section 8 Clause 18 “elastic clause” “Congress can make laws necessary for carrying out powers” -Gov. needs national bank to regulate commerce

17 Dem. Republicians -Against a National Bank ~would rather have revenues divided into state banks -Strict interpretation of Const.: If not mentioned in the Constitution~ then it is forbidden -Amendment 10 “Powers not delegated to the federal gov. are reserved to the states and the people -Do not want 1 bank to control economy and all federal money

18 Other Problems French and English soldiers are causing trouble in the Ohio territory by inciting the Indian uprisings in the west. 1794 – Battle of Fallen Timbers – Washington sends troops commanded by General _______ ________ Wayne to Ohio. His smaller force marches against ________Shawnee, Ottawa and Chippewa indians. 2000

19 Battle of Fallen Timbers Wayne’s strategy: Wayne knew the Indian custom of not eating before battle~ He waited three days to attack while the Native Americans got weaker. Results: Wayne’s troops soundly defeated the Indians. N.A. sign the Treaty of Greenville~ surrendering their home land in Ohio

20 Other Problems 17___ Whiskey Rebellion in __________________ by ____________ who refuse/can’t pay the ____________ _________ on whiskey.Whiskey Rebellion (Similar to __________ Rebellion) 1794 Western Pennsylvania Farmers Excise tax (Shay’s Rebellion)

21 Other Problems Solution: Washington, Hamilton and General Harry Lee bring ___________ troops to Pa. and disperse the rebels. Results: Shows ________ of the new federal government. ( Critics say it was like using a hammer to kill a fly.) 13,000 power

22 Good Things Jay’s Treaty (17___) with ________ ~ Pinckney’s Treaty (17___) with _____________ ~ 1794 Britain ~ British agreed to leave the Ohio Valley and not to seize American ships in West Indies 1795 Spain ‘right of deposit’ in New Orleans &navigation rights on the Mississippi

23 Good Things Plans for a new capital in _________ D.C. built by French engineer Pierre _________ assisted by Benjamin __________ (a freed African American slave). Washington L’Enfant Banneker

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