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Jesus’ Arrest, Death, Resurrection. Group Activity = You have 7 minutes to complete this. Read Your Group’s Passage. Write out a bullet point summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus’ Arrest, Death, Resurrection. Group Activity = You have 7 minutes to complete this. Read Your Group’s Passage. Write out a bullet point summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus’ Arrest, Death, Resurrection

2 Group Activity = You have 7 minutes to complete this. Read Your Group’s Passage. Write out a bullet point summary to give the class. Add your event or events to the time-line on the board. Make one observation about what is interesting, important, confusing, etc. Group 1 → 14:1-11 Group 2 → 14:12-31 Group 3 → 14: 32-52 Group 4 → 14: 53-72 Group 5 → 15: 1-21 Group 6 → 15: 22-47

3 Timeline Conspiracy against Jesus → Chief priests & scribes want Jesus out of the way, but its Passover so do not want to start a riot Anointing @ Bethany → An unnamed woman anoints him. (1) Shows he is the messiah, (2) Predicts his death because bodies would be anointed. She is shown as a prophet. Betrayal by Judas → Judas agrees to hand Jesus over to the chief priests

4 Timeline The Last Supper Celebrating Passover Interprets the bread and wine as his body and blood that he is handing over for all (Where we get the Eucharist from) Jesus knows Judas and Peter will betray him. Both deny it.

5 Timeline Agony in the garden → Jesus is very human, does not want to die, but submits his will to God’s. The disciples again fail him by falling asleep. Arrest → Judas betrays Jesus, handing him over to the chief priests. Discussion: Why did Judas betray Jesus???

6 Timeline Trial before Sanhedrin → Jesus accepts title of messiah. Religious authorities are threatened. Peter denies Jesus → Peter, Jesus’ bff, denies knowing him. Complete failure. Jesus’ fully abandoned. Jesus’ trial before Pilate → Pilate was known for being cruel and harsh (historical sources reveal that he crucified thousands of Jews and many of his own family members = harsh). He sentenced Jesus to death to prevent a riot during a festival where tons of people would be in Jerusalem. The motive is to protect political stability.

7 Timeline Crucifixion of Jesus → Only the Romans crucified people -- very painful and public death. Jesus dies and the first to recognize him as Son of God is a centurian (non-Jew). **Woman are looking on at a distance. All his disciples have fled but the women stay and continue to follow him. It is said that they followed him and supplied him with what he needed** Mary Magdalene is mentioned in all 4 gospels as having been present.

8 Burial → Joseph of Arimathea, a Jew and member of the high council, buries Jesus with a king’s burial. The women are still present. Resurrection → Mary Magdalene and other women visit the tomb, but an angel tells them Jesus has risen, “Go tell people.” They run away and say nothing.

9 Important Parts 1. The Romans killed Jesus, not the Jews a. Opportunity = Only Romans could execute people b. Means = Crucifixion in a Roman means of death c. Motive = prevent a riot in the city during a busy time d. Witness = historical sources attest to the cruelty and penchant for executions of Pilate e. Christians shift the blame off of Rome and onto the Jews in order to separate themselves from being associated with the Jews, who had just revolted against Rome 2. Woman play a significant part a. The unnamed woman correctly identifies Jesus b. The women are in his ministry and do not abandon him c. The women are the ones to whom the resurrection is announced. 3. Jesus died and later rose. a. Jesus experiences death b. Jesus conquers death

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