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Environmental Progress in the EU Indicators: a communication tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Progress in the EU Indicators: a communication tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Progress in the EU Indicators: a communication tool

2 Outline Policy relevance & targets ‘Definition’ of indicator Examples Nutrient enrichment Floods Water Framework Directive The numbers given are illustrative

3 Policy Focus Adoption of legislation Answering questions (for example) Are nitrates in rivers decreasing? Are bathing waters acceptable? Is water demand increasing or decreasing? Aimed at: Decision makers Policy makers Public Water managers


5 Indicators in policy To provide simple information on complex environmental problems for policy makers to evaluate seriousness To support policy development and priority setting To monitor effects and effectiveness of policy responses To raise public awareness

6 What makes a good indicator? Interest to target audience Accessible /easy to interpret Invites action Representative of the issue Shows progress with time Comparable to reference values Links to causes Scientifically/statistically well-founded Etc…..

7 Definition of the Indicator What policy is being answered? Why is the indicator being selected? Specifically: Policy context and targets Legislation, agreements etc. Scientific references to the indicator Analytical method (if this defines the indicator) / units Methodology for indicator calculations Presentation of indicator Uncertainties

8 An indicator for pollution?

9 Frequency diagram of average nitrate concentrations in fresh surface water classes (annual average nitrate concentrations).

10 Surface fresh water (rivers) eutrophication classification during the 2004-2007 and 2008-2011 (Flanders)

11 Phosphorous in Lakes

12 Public Awareness on water resources

13 Overview of the EU WFD expanding the scope of water protection to all waters, surface waters and groundwater achieving "good status" for all waters by a set deadline water management based on river basins "combined approach" of emission limit values and quality standards getting the prices right getting the citizen involved more closely streamlining legislation

14 WFD To define “good ecological status”, the intercalibration exercise defines the upper and lower boundaries of good ecological status.

15 EU WFD Deadline

16 Achievement of milestones


18 Danube - Analysis

19 Achievements towards WFD objective (in 2015)

20 Caution….. The misuse of indicators……

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