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Habits to Make You Financially “Fit” Joan P. Nye JPN Financial Presented to Felcor Fit Club April 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Habits to Make You Financially “Fit” Joan P. Nye JPN Financial Presented to Felcor Fit Club April 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habits to Make You Financially “Fit” Joan P. Nye JPN Financial Presented to Felcor Fit Club April 10, 2014

2 44% feel their household’s financial health is either good or great. 34% consider their financial health a bigger concern than their physical health. 39% are more stressed about their financial situation compared to last year. 42% have no type of detailed investment or financial plan—or even a budget to help manage their spending. Financial Health Facts A Survey of American Households

3 Financial Organization

4 Create a central area for files Use electronic programs Have one file for each account Set up a physical work area Schedule time to handle your financial affairs Create a System to Store Financial Information

5 Banking Investments Company benefits Names and numbers of advisors Home Children Insurance Types of Files

6 Avoid opening mail until you have time to deal with it Use a calendar to “note” important dates Allocate duties to your spouse Make note of account passwords Buy a shredder Consolidate accounts Automate payments Hints for Organization

7 Creates Peace of mind Saves time for you and others Makes taxes neither a burden nor a surprise Saves paper Simplifies everything—no more searching! Benefits of Being Organized

8 The Budget

9 A written list of household and personal expenses The budget is the “diet” of your financial plan and its organization The Budget

10 Uncovers powerful information Makes information available to the entire family Allows greater cash flow Budgets can change over time Benefits of Having a Budget

11 Goals

12 “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”– Dave Ramsey, author Goals motivate You and your significant other need to set long-term AND short-term goals Goals

13 Set up a filing system for finances Pay off credit cards Review 401(k) allocation Make a list of bank accounts and passwords Start savings accounts for children’s education *Normally achieved in 1 year or less Short-term Goals*

14 Pay off college debt Pay off or pay down mortgage Save for retirement Purchase a second home *Multiple years or over an extended time Long-term Goals*

15 Erodes your long-term financial plan Only use debt for o Purchase of investments o Emergency expenses o Large purchases Another bad habit you can change! Average debt per person? Eliminate Debt

16 Save

17 Save from each check– “pay yourself first” Carry 4 to 6 months of basic living expenses in a savings account Be prepared for opportunities and “rainy days” Remember the time value of money Savings options: o Banks, credit unions, online banking, mutual funds Savings

18 Give

19 Recent study of millenials showed that employees are more likely to stay with a firm that has a corporate culture of giving Happiness directly linked with giving People are healthier when involved with a cause Giving

20 Give generously Have the opportunity to care about others Often companies match gifts or initiate the gift You will feel wealthy! Givers

21 Protect

22 Estate planning Risk management Beneficiary planning Insurance Hire professionals when needed: o CPA, attorney, planners Stay healthy! Protect What is Important

23 Takeaways Create a budget Get organized! Set goals Eliminate debt Save Give Protect what’s important

24 Reading List “The Millionaire Next Door, ” Thomas Stanley “The Total Money Makeover,” Dave Ramsey “The Financial Peace Planner,” Dave Ramsey “Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?” Cary Siegel “Personal Finance for Dummies,” Eric Tyson

25 Copyright 2014 JPN Financial

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