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Teacher notes Math is important for time calculations and scheduling. Knowing how long it takes to complete an activity or travel to a destination helps.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher notes Math is important for time calculations and scheduling. Knowing how long it takes to complete an activity or travel to a destination helps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher notes Math is important for time calculations and scheduling. Knowing how long it takes to complete an activity or travel to a destination helps when planning everyday activities. Recipes for cooking include measurements for ingredients. Math is used for defining the weight or amount of each ingredient. Using math to determine the necessary amount of an ingredient ensures that food has the desired consistency and flavor. Financial math is an important aspect of shopping. Calculations are performed to determine a budget, or the amount of money available for spending. The prices of goods available for sale from different retailers are often compared to find the best deal. There are a variety of uses for math in the medical field. Calculations such as heart rate and blood pressure are performed when a doctor evaluates the physical health of a person. Math is also used to develop formulas and dosages for pharmaceutical medications. Constructing buildings depends on planning the precise measurements of a layout to ensure the best use of space. Construction measurements are also taken to identify the amounts of materials that need to be purchased for a project.

2 Maths and Your future

3 Learning objectives WALT: Begin to understand how maths is used in many aspects of day to day life. Aims: Maths is all around us. (Lesson 1) Maths is a powerful but essential life skill (Lesson 2) Maths enables effective decision making (Lesson 3)

4 Maths is Magic Starter

5 Think of a number between 1 and 10. Write it down or remember it.

6 Now double it.

7 Add 10

8 Half it.

9 Subtract the number you first thought of.

10 And you number is: 5 Lets have another go.

11 Think of a number between 1 and 10. Write it down or remember it.

12 Double it.

13 Add 4.

14 Half it.

15 Subtract the number you first thought of.

16 And you number is: 2 One last time.

17 Think of a number between 1 and 10. Write it down or remember it.

18 Double it.

19 Add 6

20 Half it.

21 Subtract the number you first thought of.

22 And you number is: 3 Its not magic, its basic maths.

23 Maths is very much linked to reasoning skill: Discuss how maths might be used in the following settings.

24 Discuss every day maths Time

25 Discuss every day maths Cooking

26 Discuss every day maths Finance

27 Discuss every day maths Construction

28 Discuss every day maths Medicine

29 Maths and Your future We live in a world based on Maths and whatever job you do, your success depends on good maths skills.

30 Maths and Your future Maths and Your future: Lesson 2

31 Learning objectives WALT: Begin to understand how maths is used in many aspects of day to day life. Aims: Maths is all around us. (Lesson 1) Maths is a powerful but essential life skill (Lesson 2) Maths enables effective decision making (Lesson 3)


33 Teacher notes Work search starter. Pupils watch a 3 or 4 videos of individuals using maths in their workplace.

34 Listen to these people who use basic maths skills to help them at work. Maths at work

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