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The Nature of Dark Energy David Weinberg Ohio State University Based in part on Kujat, Linn, Scherrer, & Weinberg 2002, ApJ, 572, 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nature of Dark Energy David Weinberg Ohio State University Based in part on Kujat, Linn, Scherrer, & Weinberg 2002, ApJ, 572, 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nature of Dark Energy David Weinberg Ohio State University Based in part on Kujat, Linn, Scherrer, & Weinberg 2002, ApJ, 572, 1

2 Riess et al. 2004, astro-ph/0402512 The current SN Ia evidence

3 Is dark energy here to stay? Four lines of evidence: 1.Type Ia Supernova Hubble diagram Inconsistent with  m =0,   =0 (~0.15 mag) More inconsistent with  m =0.3,   =0 (~0.25 mag) Strongly inconsistent with  m =1,   =0 (~0.4 mag) Local observations suggest evolutionary effects unimportant at 0.1 mag level

4 Is dark energy here to stay? Four lines of evidence: 1.Type Ia Supernova Hubble diagram CMB acoustic peak implying  tot  0.9-1.4, combined with 2. Age of globular clusters and H 0  70 km s -1 Mpc -1 or 3. Dynamical evidence that  m < 0.5

5 Is dark energy here to stay? Four lines of evidence: 1. Type Ia Supernova Hubble diagram 2. CMB + age of globular clusters and H 0  70 km s -1 Mpc -1 3. CMB + dynamical evidence that  m < 0.5 4. Overall success of  CDM Cosmological model with inflation, CDM,  m  0.3,    0.7, agrees with wide range of CMB and large scale structure observations, in addition to above.

6 Is dark energy here to stay? Four lines of evidence: 1. Type Ia Supernova Hubble diagram 2. CMB + age of globular clusters and H 0  70 km s -1 Mpc -1 3. CMB + dynamical evidence that  m < 0.5 4. Overall success of  CDM Likely answer: YES.

7 Why is dark energy so surprising? The Cosmological Constant Problem “Naïve” calculation predicts  vac ~ M Planck / l 3 Planck ~ 10 120  m Only “natural” number ~ 10 -120 is zero The Dark Energy Problem Observations suggest that  vac ~ (10 -3 eV) 4 ~ 10 -8 erg cm -3 No known physics naturally yields this energy scale; all current models of dark energy are ad hoc The Coincidence Problem For a cosmological constant,   /  m  a 3. Why are   and  m comparable today?

8 Kinds of proposed solutions True value of fundamental vacuum energy is  vac ~ (10 -3 eV) 4 True value of fundamental vacuum energy is zero. Observed “dark energy” is a new scalar field or other component (quintessence, k-essence, spintessence, string network, …) Value of fundamental vacuum energy varies throughout “multiverse”; anthropic selection requires small local value. Back reaction causes fundamental value of vacuum energy to oscillate in time; accelerated and decelerated phases alternate. Friedmann equation is wrong (extra dimensions?). Any solution involves fundamental revision of physics, maybe clues to string theory, extra dimensions, etc.

9 Dark energy and cosmic expansion Dark energy changes cosmic expansion via the Friedmann eqn:

10 Dark energy and cosmic expansion Current data consistent with  m =0.3,   =0.7,  k =0 w = –1    = constant Can we detect evidence for w  –1     constant ? Can we detect evidence for w  constant     (1+z) n ?

11 Expansion history observables Hubble parameter Distance Age Linear growth factor:

12 Expansion history observables Hubble parameter H(z) Distance d A (z) Age t(z) Linear growth factor D 1 (z) normalized to present-day amplitude or to CMB amplitude Nearly all proposed dark energy tests measure one of these observables or some combination thereof, e.g., Volume element: V(z)  d A 2 (z) / H(z) Alcock-Paczynski parameter: h(z)  H(z) d A (z)







19 Measurement overview Parameter space:  m,, w, w’,  k For given observable and redshift,  m and w are degenerate Multiple redshifts or observables can break degeneracy Other LSS & CMB methods can also constrain  m Interesting w constraints require ~2% precision (& accuracy) Demonstrating non-zero w’ very difficult. Requires showing    (1+z) n. Not much complementarity of different observables.

20 Measurement methods: distance Type Ia supernovae Type IIp supernovae Radio galaxy angular diameters Cluster Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect + X-ray Volume-redshift test with galaxy redshift survey (e.g. DEEP2) Characteristic scale in angular clustering – e.g., turnover, baryon wiggles Amplitude of cluster angular correlation function Amplitude of transverse Lyman-alpha forest correlations Strong gravitational lensing statistics Properties of well understood gravitational lenses Angular scale of first acoustic peak in CMB

21 Measurement methods: Hubble parameter Lyman-alpha forest: width and separation of features, curvature scale of power spectrum, measured in km/s. High-z galaxy redshift surveys: features in power spectrum, measured in km/s. Differential galaxy ages between neighboring redshifts: yields dz/dt = – (1+z) H(z). Weak lensing bispectrum: sensitive to  m (z). Combining with  m,0 yields  c (z) = 3H 2 (z) / 8  G. Alcock-Pacyznski test measures d A (z) H(z), can be applied to quasars, Lyman-alpha forest, galaxies, Sloan LRGs.

22 Measurement methods: linear growth factor Evolution of cluster “mass” function, via X-ray, SZ, weak lensing, mass-calibrated richness. Systematic uncertainty in masses is the key issue. Cosmic shear power spectrum. Lyman-alpha forest flux power spectrum. CMB anisotropy amplitude. Require (or at least benefit from) good measurement of fluctuation amplitude at z=0 (i.e.,  8,matter )

23 What has HST contributed? Improved determination of H 0. Light curves of some ground-based SN detections. Template images of host galaxies of ground-based SN. Discovery and light curves of supernovae at z > 1.

24 What more could HST contribute? More template images of ground-based SN hosts. More light curves of ground-based SN. More discovery and light curves of supernovae at z > 1. Distance measurements from cluster multiple arc systems. Cosmic shear surveys to measure w via growth factor evolution. Weak lensing cluster masses to measure w via growth factor.

25 What more should HST contribute? Support of ground-based SN if improved precision is substantial. Cosmic shear surveys to measure w via growth factor evolution. Weak lensing cluster masses to measure w via growth factor. Not competitive with ground-based measurements. Distance measurements from cluster multiple arc systems. Usefulness still to be demonstrated. More discovery and light curves of supernovae at z > 1?

26 What more should HST contribute? More discovery and light curves of supernovae at z > 1? Won’t compete with ground-based surveys for precision on w. Very unlikely to demonstrate redshift dependence of w.

27 Conclusions Dark energy is: Here to stay. Surprising. A possibly unique window into fundamental physics. Nearly all proposed observational tests measure some combination of H(z), d(z), linear growth factor.  m & w have degenerate effects. Multiple observables or multiple redshifts can lift degeneracy. Demonstration of time-dependent w unlikely, at least pre-SNAP. Figure of merit should therefore be precision on (constant) w. HST has played important role, but may not compete with ground-based surveys on this figure of merit.

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