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THIS IS 100 200 300 400 500 Homeostasis and hormones Immune, reproduction and development Nervous and sensory Respiratory Muscular and skeletal.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS 100 200 300 400 500 Homeostasis and hormones Immune, reproduction and development Nervous and sensory Respiratory Muscular and skeletal."— Presentation transcript:




4 100 200 300 400 500 Homeostasis and hormones Immune, reproduction and development Nervous and sensory Respiratory Muscular and skeletal

5 Where is the pituitary gland located A 100

6 Just below the hypothalamus A 100

7 What gland produces the fight or flight hormone A 200

8 Adrenal gland A 200

9 Describe negative feedback using the pancreas as an example A 300

10 Too much insulin pancreas lowers with glucagon Too high sugar pancreas lowers with insulin A 300

11 Contrast endothermic and exothermic A 400

12 Endo- generate and maintain own internal temp Exo- rely on their environment A 400

13 Posterior pituitary can not make it’s own hormomes. Where do the hormones come from? A 500

14 hypothalamus A 500

15 Give the name of a nonspecific defense against a pathogen B 100

16 Inflammatory response B 100

17 A Y shaped molecule that is made by plasma (B) cells B 200

18 Antibody B 200

19 Describe an autoimmune disease B 300

20 Does not recognize non self and self cells B 300

21 Where does the egg mature in the female reproductive tract B 400

22 Uterus B 400

23 Where does fertilization occur in the female reproductive tract B 500

24 Fallopian tubes B 500

25 What does the myelin sheath do and what color matter do we say it is part of C 100

26 Insulates and makes the action potential faster White matter C 100

27 What happens if the neurotransmitters are not cleared out of the synapse C 200

28 Target cell continues to fire and send action potentials C 200

29 Motor neurons transmit messages C 300

30 From the CNS to the muscle or gland C 300


32 Specialized receptors that enable hearing are found in the C 400

33 cochlea C 400

34 The autonomic nervous system controls C 500

35 Involuntary movements C 500

36 Point where two bones meet D 100

37 Joint D 100

38 Connective tissue that attached muscle to bone D 200

39 Tendon D 200

40 Muscle that bends the joint D 300

41 Flexor D 300

42 Type of muscle tissue found in the digestive tract D 400

43 Smooth tissue D 400

44 Describe how the muscle pairs work D 500

45 One straightens and the other bends the bone D 500

46 How do we describe the tail of the phospholipid bilayer E 100

47 hydrophobic E 100

48 What is an integral protein and what is it’s function E 200

49 It is embedded into the membrane and it is their for transport through the cell membrane E 200

50 What molecules pass through the cell membrane the easiest E 300

51 Hydrophobic or nonpolar E 300

52 What is the difference between passive and active transport E 400

53 Active requires energy E 400

54 What are the three types of osmosis and describe each E 500


56 F 100 Also know as the windpipe

57 F 100 trachea

58 F 200 Protein in the blood that carries the oxygen, also contains iron

59 F 200 Red blood cell

60 F 300 Alveoli are connect to

61 F 300 Bronchioles

62 F 400 Gas exchange occurs at the

63 F 400 Alveoli

64 F 500 Describe inhalation and exhalation

65 F 500 Diaphragm contracts Cavity and lungs open Air in Diaphragm relaxes Cavity and lungs close Air out

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