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Introducing To 3D Studio Max George Atanasov Telerik Corporation

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing To 3D Studio Max George Atanasov Telerik Corporation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing To 3D Studio Max George Atanasov Telerik Corporation

2 How To Modify Things

3  Enables you to change the geometry of an object and its properties  Modifier menu  Modifiers list  Modifiers stack 3

4 4  Contains all modifiers  Different for each kind of object  Groups of modifiers  Selection  World Space  Object Space

5  Managing all aspects of modification  Modifiers  Copy, Paste, Cut, Remove…  Collapse  Unlimited modifier number  Order Sequence is important  Bend -> Taper != Taper -> Bend  Sub-object selection 5

6 Advanced Selection Methods

7   Main Toolbar -> Select Object (Q)   Pop-up labels   Cursor changes to a cross   Selection brackets   Overlapped objects   Keep left clicking   Objects are selected in turn 7

8  Using selection regions (Q)  Click, drag and release to select object  Change region shape  Rectangular region  Circular region  Fence region  Lasso region  Paint region 8

9  Region modes  Window  Crossing  Selection filter  All  Geometry  Shapes  Etc. 9

10  Selecting object by its name  Main Toolbar -> Select by Name (H) 10

11  Handy way of selecting objects  Create and save selection  Add or remove objects  Rename selection  Fast select from dropdown  Selects all the objects in the highlighted set 11

12   Main Menu > Tools > Isolate Selection (Alt + Q)   Unselected objects in the scene being hidden 12

13 Groups, Layers, Links

14  Use groups to:  Organize large amounts of objects  Reduce the amount of selectable objects  Grouping options  Group level  Group, Ungroup  Open, Close, Explode  Object level  Attach, Detach 14

15  Group appearance  Pivot point  Transform  Modifiers  Groups also can be grouped 15 When moving multiple objects to a known point group them before the move and ungroup them after the move.

16  Organize your objects  Easy to select and reorganize  Exclude from rendering  Lock / Unlock  Layers in 3D Studio are abstract  You can not implement layering in 3D  The order sequence is not important 16

17  Layer manager – Tools -> Manage Layers  Tree view  Layer  Create, Delete*  Hide, Freeze, Render  Object  Hide, Freeze  Add, Move, Select 17

18  To freeze – Right click -> Freeze Selection  Freezing makes the object  Not transformable  Gray colored  Non-textured 18 To deactivate visual changes of the frozen object: Right click on the object -> Object Properties -> Uncheck Show Frozen in Gray To deactivate visual changes of the frozen object: Right click on the object -> Object Properties -> Uncheck Show Frozen in Gray

19  Linking – Child and parent objects  Hierarchy  Parent  Child  Sub-child 19 When the parent object is transformed, the child also transformed, but child transformations does not affect the parent object

20 Clone, Mirror, Symmetry

21  The ability to copy objects is called “Clone”  Main menu -> Edit -> Clone (Shift & drag)  You can clone as:  Copy  Instance  Reference 21

22  Array – Main menu -> Tools -> Array  Creates a multiple clones of an object  Array modes  1D  2D  3D 22

23  Mirror tool (Main menu -> Tools -> Mirror)  Mirror axis  X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX  Offset  Clone options  No clone  Copy  Instance  Reference 23

24  Symmetry modifier – Modifiers list -> Symmetry  Mirror axis  Weld Seam  Threshold  Handy for  Character modeling  Vehicle modeling  Any symmetrical object 24

25  Align tool – Main menu -> Tools -> Align  Allows you to accurately place one object in relation to another object 25

26  Spacing tool – Tools -> Align -> Spacing Tool  Array of object  Count  Spacing  Orientation  Objects can follow  Straight line  Spline 26

27  Snap tool – Main toolbar -> 3D Snaps Toggle  Snap settings  Grid  Vertex  Pivot  Etc. 27

28 Questions?

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