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Mystery and Suspense. bewilderment I felt bewilderment when I realized I couldn’t answer any of the questions on the test. Noun Definition: state of being.

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Presentation on theme: "Mystery and Suspense. bewilderment I felt bewilderment when I realized I couldn’t answer any of the questions on the test. Noun Definition: state of being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mystery and Suspense

2 bewilderment I felt bewilderment when I realized I couldn’t answer any of the questions on the test. Noun Definition: state of being puzzled and unclear Synonym: confusion, disorientation

3 cryptogram The cryptogram was difficult to decipher since I didn’t understand the code. Noun Definition: a message written in code Synonym: code, representation

4 disagreement Since John and Jack were having a disagreement, Mary stepped in and tried to solve it. Noun Definition: failure to agree; a difference of opinion Synonym: conflict; fight

5 endanger We don’t want you to endanger the animals, so please don’t feed them just about anything you find. Verb Definition: to expose to danger Synonym: put at risk; threaten

6 evident It is evident from your constant wrong answers that you did not study for the test. Adjective Definition: easy to see or understand Synonyms: clear; obvious; visible

7 feign Please don’t feign being sick so you can get out of doing the work. Verb Definition: to pretend; to give a false appearance of Synonyms: pretend; bluff; fake

8 flask You may use a flask in science class to hold the liquids you are using for your experiment. Noun Definition: any bottle-shaped container Synonym: bottle; canteen; beaker

9 fraught When entering a haunted house I am fraught with fear. Adjective Definition: filled with or accompanied by Synonyms: filled; stuffed

10 homicide There was a homicide down the street, and I’m terrified until they find the killer. Noun Definition: the killing of one human being by another Synonym: murder; assassination

11 identical My friend and I wore identical bracelets to show our friendship. Adjective Definition: the same Synonyms: duplicate; double; copy

12 identity You need a passport to show your identity when you travel. Noun Definition: who a person is Synonym: identification; character

13 imprint The detective looked for an imprint in the mud to identify the route the robber used to leave. Noun Definition: mark made by pressure Synonyms: impression; mark; stamp

14 inscription I have a locket with an inscription of my grandmother’s name. Noun Definition: words or characters written, carved, or engraved on a surface Synonyms: caption; engraving

15 intrigue If you want to intrigue your readers, you must add a lot of suspense and details to your writing. Verb Definition: to excite curiosity Synonyms: attract; fascinate; captivate

16 mystify The case will mystify even the best detectives as it is very difficult to solve. Verb Definition: confuse or bewilder Synonyms: confuse; perplex; puzzle

17 password You need a password to log into your account. Noun Definition: a secret word or phrase that identifies the speaker Synonym: signal; identification

18 persist If you persist on shouting out in class, you will be removed. Verb Definition: refuse to stop or be changed Synonyms: carry on; continue; don’t give up

19 premise Based on the premise that screaming was heard upstairs, I can infer the break-in took place there also. Noun Definition: a statement assumed to be true and used to draw a conclusion Synonyms: hypothesis; assumption; proof

20 systematic The detective went through the whole case in a very systematic way in order to avoid missing any clues. Adjective Definition: having a system or method Synonyms: ordered; efficient

21 uncanny The resemblance between the thief and the victim is uncanny; they look like they could be twins! Adjective Definition: arousing wonder and fear; mysterious Synonyms: very strange; unusual; eerie

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