Trafficking flows Breakdown of trafficking flows by geographical reach, 2010-2012.

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3 Trafficking flows


5 Breakdown of trafficking flows by geographical reach, 2010-2012

6 Shares of victims by sub-regional and trans-regional trafficking


8 Destinations of victims from North Africa

9 Traffickers, organized crime and the business of exploitation

10 Citizenship of convicted traffickers globally, 2010-2012

11 Persons convicted for trafficking, by gender, 2010-2012

12 Profile of the victims

13 Detected victims by age and gender, 2011

14 Age and gender breakdown of victims detected in North Africa and the Middle East

15 Forms of exploitation

16 Detected forms of exploitation globally, 2011

17 Forms of exploitation among female victims Forms of exploitation among male victims

18 Trans-regional flows, shares of the total number victims detected at destinations

19 The response to trafficking in persons

20 Increasing number of countries in compliance with UN Trafficking Protocol, 2003-2014

21 Historical evolution of the legislation in North Africa and the Middle East, 2003-2014

22 Number of convictions recorded per year, share of countries Trends in the number of recorded convictions, share of countries

23 UNODC response to the crime of trafficking in persons

24 Arab Report on Trafficking in Persons (Council of Arab Ministers of Justice Res No. 879 – 027D – 15/2/2012 ) LAS Anti- Human Trafficking Coordinatio n Unit Member State Focal Point Research

25 Awareness Raising

26 Promoting Protocols and Capacity-Building Promoting the Protocols and Capacity Building o Legislative assistance o Strategic planning and policy development o Criminal justice responses o Protection and support to victims of trafficking

27 The Arab Initiative to Combat Human Trafficking Seeks to coordinate national counter-trafficking efforts in the Middle East and North Africa within a sound regional framework. Key Framework Areas Arab regional strategy to prevent and combat human trafficking National and regional coalitions to fight human trafficking Promoting the compliance of legal frameworks with the TiP Protocol In-depth capacity training of criminal justice actors

28 Comprehensive Arab Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (Council of Arab Ministers of Justice in Res. No. 879-27 15 February 2012) 1. Criminalizing all Types and Forms of Trafficking in Human Beings 3. Strengthening Prevention Measures and Procedures 4. Victim Protection 5. Strengthening Regional & International Cooperation 7. Updating the Arab Model Law and Ensuring its Dissemination and Application 8. Ensuring the Coordination of Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings 6. Strengthening National Institutional Capacities 2. Ensuring Effective Investigation, Indictment and Trial

29 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2014 Release date: 24 November 2014 THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION

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