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6.1 Following the energy 5/3/2016. Bell Work 35 May 2, 2016 * You will need your composition books today.* Take out a sheet of paper, put your name and.

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Presentation on theme: "6.1 Following the energy 5/3/2016. Bell Work 35 May 2, 2016 * You will need your composition books today.* Take out a sheet of paper, put your name and."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.1 Following the energy 5/3/2016

2 Bell Work 35 May 2, 2016 * You will need your composition books today.* Take out a sheet of paper, put your name and class period in the top right hand corner, put Bell Work 35 in the top margin, skip a line, write Tuesday, and answer the following questions: (Use your composition books and the textbooks). 1.What role do plants play in an ecosystem? Brine shrimp? A California gull? 2.What items are necessary for a producer to make sugar (food)? 3.Why is aerobic cellular respiration important to organisms? Remember to write complete sentences when doing your bell work.

3 Purpose Following the Energy, You will learn that biomass produced by photosynthetic organisms drives life processes, and that stored energy in biomass moves from one trophic level to another through feeding relationships. You will explore the concept of bioaccumulation, and collect data to understand the role of decomposers.

4 Standards: Disciplinary Core Ideas LS1 How do organisms live, grow, respond to their environment, and reproduce? LS1.C: Organization for matter and energy flow in organisms LS2How and why do organisms interact with their environment and what are the effects of those interactions? LS2.A: Interdependent relationships in ecosystems LS2.B: Cycles of matter and energy transfer in ecosystems LS2.C: Ecosystem dynamics, functioning, and resilience

5 Why do I need to learn this? The human body needs food energy to survive. Most of the energy stored in food is used to maintain life processes, but some of this energy remains stored in your bodies, or excreted in your waste. You will explore the concept of sustainable ecosystems and change and human interactions in an ecosystem.

6 Part 1: Using Energy Add food to terrariums I have some food you can add to your terrariums What do you think will happen to the food?

7 Part 1: Using Energy Add food to terrariums What do you think will happen to the food? One of the organisms in the terrarium will eat it, or it will rot. Each class will add one piece. Tomorrow you will see several pieces of food in the terrariums from the other classes.

8 1. Food You will select one piece of food to add to the terrarium. Turn to your minihabitat observations in your notebook FQ 4.3. Describe what you put in the terrarium and draw a picture of it.

9 2.Review food and energy ADD THESE TO The next blank page NOTES 6.1 Some key points from the previous investigation regarding the relationship between food, energy, and calories: Energy is required for life. Light energy from the Sun is captured by producer organisms during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces biomass with energy-rich molecules that can be used as food. All organisms get energy from food----producers get energy from the food they make themselves; consumers and decomposers get energy by eating or consuming biomass from other organisms.

10 2. Food and energy 1.How does an ecosystem get energy? 2.How do you get energy? 3.Is water a food source?

11 2. Food and energy 1.How does an ecosystem get energy? Producers use water, carbon dioxide, and light energy to produce biomass. 2. How do you get energy? By eating food 3. Is water a food source? No

12 2. Food and Energy NOTES Energy can be obtained only by eating food. Water, although absolutely necessary for life, does not have calories, so it cannot provide energy.

13 3. Focus question: 6.1 Energy makes things happen. When you do work, you are using energy. FQ 6.1 Add to your next blank page What are the kinds of work you do that require energy? Write down your initial ideas for energy use.

14 4. Energy use Talk in your groups and share ideas about energy use, I will create a list. (12 only)

15 4. Energy use I see several different energy uses that involve moving, such as running, playing sports, and swimming. These all fall under the general heading of movement because they involve body movement, movement from one place to another, or moving something else. One kind of work we use energy for is motion or movement.

16 Bell work 34 May 3, 2016 * You will need your composition books today.* Take out your bell work paper, skip a line, write Tuesday, and answer the following questions. You can use your composition books and text books to answer the questions. 1.How does an ecosystem get energy? 2.How do you get energy? 3.Is water a food source? Explain. Remember to write complete sentences when doing your bell work.

17 5. Generate categories Movement is one category What other categories do you see from this list of energy uses?

18 TEACHER SLIDE 5. Generate categories Maintenance: Anything to do with the process of maintaining or repairing the living system. Examples: breathing, digesting food, thinking, feeling, sleeping, and maintaining temperature. Growth and reproduction: Anything that adds biomass to the system. Such as: getting taller, gaining weight, bodybuilding, production offspring, and growing hair. Waste production: Anything that is eliminated because it no longer has value or can be detrimental to the organism. Elimination of waste is work done by organisms. Examples: waste gases, defecation, sweating, and shedding skin.

19 6. Four category heading POST THE 4 HEADINGS Movement Maintenance, Waste Growth/reproduction

20 7. Energy-use Strips I have some strips of paper with words or phrases on them that describe things that organisms do. Some of them are activities you suggested, but some may be activities that you didn’t think about. Each group will get a few to put into these four categories. Decide which category they belong in first; later you will post them on the board under the appropriate category heading. You will have 2 minutes to make your determinations.

21 8. Science and Engineering practices You should have: Identified ways that organisms use energy and have reasons that support your choice Categorize activities into movement, maintenance, waste, and growth/reproduction. Communicate with each other regarding your energy-use category decisions.

22 9. Distribute tape 10. Organize energy-use strips Post your strip under the heading you selected.

23 11. Sorting Once all of the strips are placed: Discuss at your tables if everything is where it should be. Be ready to defend your choices. Is there something that should be moved? Why?

24 11. Sorting There are 2 strips of “Sweat” Think of two different categories that sweat fits into What about: “regenerate a tail” it growth or maintenance? “Molt” Is it waste or growth? “produce food” Is it growth or maintenance? “pump blood” Is it movement or maintenance? Engage in argumentation from evidence as you explain your ideas. On the next blank page, record the headings and the list for each one.

25 13. Uses of Energy 1.What do people use energy for? 2. When a person is low on energy, what can he or she do to get more energy?

26 13. Uses of Energy 1.What do people use energy for? Everything, because all life processes require energy. 2. When a person is low on energy, what can he or she do to get more energy? Eat food

27 13. Uses of Energy 3. What other ways can people get more energy? 4. When you sleep, you feel refreshed. What could be happening to make you feel that way? 5. Where does the energy in food come from originally?

28 13. Uses of Energy 3. What other ways can people get more energy? There are no other ways 4. When you sleep, you feel refreshed. What could be happening to make you feel that way? Maintenance activities go on during sleep. You feel energized, but you didn’t really get more energy. 5. Where does the energy in food come from originally? The sun

29 13. Uses of Energy 6. How does energy from the Sun become food? 7. Which category increases biomass? 8. In which category is food produced?

30 13. Uses of Energy 6. How does energy from the Sun become food? Light energy is captured during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide and water are changed into energy-rich molecules called carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are food. 7. Which category increases biomass? Growth and reproduction 8. In which category is food produced? Growth and reproduction primarily; waste can be used as an energy source by decomposers.

31 14. Wrap up/warm up Return to your focus question 6.1 What are the kinds of work you do that require energy? Draw a line of knowledge and summarize your ideas about energy use.

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