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Organized access to the Ibero- American quality journals – the PPL experience Ana María Cetto 1, José Octavio Alonso-Gamboa 1, Saray Córdoba González 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Organized access to the Ibero- American quality journals – the PPL experience Ana María Cetto 1, José Octavio Alonso-Gamboa 1, Saray Córdoba González 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organized access to the Ibero- American quality journals – the PPL experience Ana María Cetto 1, José Octavio Alonso-Gamboa 1, Saray Córdoba González 2 and Elea Giménez Toledo 3 1 UNAM, Mexico; 2 Universidad de Costa Rica: 3 CSIC, Spain

2 2 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. What is published in Latin America?  Mexico City in 1962,  Río Piedras, Puerto Rico, in 1964.  1964: 950 journal titles in total!  1997: 2460 titles in several databases.

3 3 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Titles registered in the Latindex Directory Latindex Catalogue: 5,285 titles (Sept. 2011)

4 4 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Links to electronic journals

5 5 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Portals included in PPL: Follow a construction methodology, so as to ensure a normalized description and search; Apply selection procedures for the inclusion of journals and publish their selection criteria; Use a technology platform that allows the harvesting of documents through protocols of interoperability. Harvesting done by means of the Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).

6 6 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. 30 portals analysed, 14 portals harvested Most portals (11) are multidisciplinary; All portals inform about their journal selection process; Seven portals are produced by national S&T centres, five by universities,; All portals except two have been created during the past decade; The number of journals covered ranges from 13 to 758; The number of full-text articles ranges from 4,000 to 200,000; The initial number of documents was 800,000 (now >1,000,000) and of journal titles 3,815, with overlaps and duplications.

7 7 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Main features of portals harvested PortalURL Main features 1. DIALNET Titles: 1,816 (on own server or through links), 1 st year 2001 Themes: Multidisciplinary 2. e-revist@s http://www.erevistas.csic.e s/ Titles: 509, Articles:127,825, 1 st year 2004 Themes: Multidisciplinary 3. PePSIC. Revistas Electrónicas en Psicología http://pepsic.bvs- Titles: 84, Issues: 840 Themes: Psychology 4. RACO. Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert hp/index Titles: 333, Issues: 7,001,Articles: 116,054, 1 st year 2006 Themes: Multidisciplinary 5. Redalyc. Titles: 758, Articles: 190,645, 1 st year 2003 Themes: Multidisciplinary 6. Revistas científicas y arbitradas de la UNAM http://www.journals.unam. mx Titles: 56, Issues: 1,301, Articles: 14,986, 1 st year 2010 Themes: Multidisciplinary 7. SciELO - Argentina cielo.php Titles: 74, Issues: 898, Articles: 11,143, 1 st year 2004 Themes: Multidisciplinary

8 8 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Main features of portals harvested PortalURLMain features 8. SciELO – Brasil php?script=sci_home&lng =es&nrm=iso Titles: 255 (228 active), Issues: 9,449, 1 st year 1997 Themes: Multidisciplinary 9. SciELO - Chile es Titles: 92, Issues: 2,216, Articles: 23,104, 1st year 1997 Themes: Multidisciplinary 10. SciELO - Colombia ielo.php/script_sci_home/l ng_es/nrm_iso Titles: 106, Issues: 1,156, Articles: 12,341, 1 st year 2004 Themes: Multidisciplinary 11. SciELO - Cuba hp Titles: 36, Issues: 1,125, Articles: 13,059, 1st year 2001 Themes: Agricultural and health sciences 12. SciELO - España php Titles: 46, Issues: 1,321, Articles: 16,747, 1 st year 2001 Themes: Health sciences 13. SciELO - México cielo.php Titles: 84 (76 active), Issues: 652, Articles: 7,429, 1 st year 2003 Themes: Multidisciplinary 14. SciELO - Perú scielo.php Titles: 13, Issues: 324, Articles: 3,858, 1 st year 2004 Themes: Multidisciplinary

9 9 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Main problems encountered: o Lack of compatibility in the implementation and configuration of the protocol OAI-PMH for the interoperability of systems, o or even non-implementation of the protocol; o poor use of (Dublin Core) labels for the description of document contents; o discrepancy in the treatment of the information, o and in the way it is provided to users o (e. g. use of codes or abbreviations), o different uses of the same labels o (e.g. Editor = publishing institution or journal title).

10 10 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Portales Título Autor Formato Idioma Palabras clave Total de artículos indexados: 1,147,609 Ultima Cosecha: 28-09-2011 Portal de Portales Latindex est á basado en OA Harvester 2 de PKP 2011 Todos los Derechos Reservados. Esta página y los artículos obtenidos a través de ella, pueden ser reproducidos con fines educativos no lucrativos.

11 11 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Another four portals included more recently:  Portal de Revistas, Universidad de Chile,  Saber Ver (Venezuela),  LAMJOL (INASP),  Portal de Revistas, Univ. Federal de Paraná (Brazil). These portals use either Dspace or OJS.

12 12 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Case sudy I: Costa Rica  254 journals in total (Latindex Directory)  68 titles included in the Latindex Catalogue  35 titles included in at least one of the portals: Scielo-CR, Redalyc, e-Revistas, Dialnet, Pepsic  5,445 articles harvested.  Notable increase of presence of CR journals in indexing services and databases, since 2006  No national evaluation system for journals. Universities use the Latindex Catalogue as a reference.

13 13 Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al. Case study II: Spain  2,215 journals; 1584 in the Latindex Catalogue  8 % covered by WoS, 13 % by Scopus  PPL: 99 (Redalyc), 46 (Scielo), >> (e-Revistas)  Various evaluation systems, with different criteria ( In Recs, In Recj, In Rech, RESH and DICE platforms, ANEP, MIAR, CARHUS, CIRC,...)  Latindex Catalogue used as basic reference and guidance  Improvement of quality indicators of Spanish journals in the last 10 years.

14 14 PPL – Future steps Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al.  Respond to high demand for/from institutional portals, wishing to join PPL  Continued promotion of best practices:  among journal editors, among portal editors  Active promotion of Open Access  Dissemination of OJS; adaptation to needs of editors  Extensive training and networking  Inclusion in several databases and specific portals;

15 15 Outlook and challenges – continuing to break the vicious circle  Increase of visibility and of use of Ibero- American journals  Improvement in quality of these journals  Increased scientific recognition of some journals  What about the rest?  What is their future? Thank you! Organized access to Ibero-American journals - Cetto et al.

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