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The Farmers’ Revolt The heart of the farmers’ problems stood the banking system and the railroad rate system The Farmers’ Alliance – as the movement grew,

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Presentation on theme: "The Farmers’ Revolt The heart of the farmers’ problems stood the banking system and the railroad rate system The Farmers’ Alliance – as the movement grew,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Farmers’ Revolt The heart of the farmers’ problems stood the banking system and the railroad rate system The Farmers’ Alliance – as the movement grew, there were two regional alliances: Northwestern Farmers’ Alliance & the Southern Farmers’ Alliance The Populist Movement – convinced that the banking system worked only for the wealthy few, supporters demanded economic democracy


3 Labor Wars The Homestead Lockout (1892) – Andrew Carnegie vs. the Amalgamated Iron and Steel Workers in the Homestead steel mills in Pennsylvania. The dispute regarded the right to organize Eugene V. Debs and the Pullman Strike (1894) – led by Debs, it was a dispute on wages and high rents on workers of the railroad (Pullman cars)

4 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly ran a cover story on the violence that Pinkerton agents faced from an armed crowd of men, women, and children who were enraged that Frick had hired the Pinkertons to bring in strikebreakers

5 How do the Tribune and Times articles differ in their portrayal of events and actors in the strike?

6 Women’s Politics Urban industrialism dislocated women’s lives no less than men’s and as a result, women sought political change and organized to promote issues central to their lives Frances Willard, the visionary of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony The National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA) – a more conservative group

7 In 1896, women voted in only four states – Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, and Utah The west led the way in the campaign for woman suffrage with Wyoming granting the vote in 1869 The poster calls on Nebraska to join the suffrage column

8 U.S. Involvement in the World At the start of the 20 th century, U.S. foreign policy consisted of isolationism and expansionism America’s foreign policy often appeared little more than a sidelight to business development American missionaries’ intent on spreading the gospel of Christianity to the “heathen” The Boxer Rebellion (1900)

9 The Monroe Doctrine - established the Western Hemisphere as an American “sphere of influence” and warned European powers to stay away or risk war The Open Door Policy - dealt with maintaining market access to China. This policy secured access to Chinese markets, expanding its economic power while avoiding the problems of maintaining a far- flung colonial empire on the Asian mainland

10 The trade advantage gained by the U.S. through the Open Door policy is portrayed in this political cartoon How doses the cartoon portray the role of the U.S. in international diplomacy?

11 The Spanish American War War broke out as anti-colonial mounted in Cuba and Puerto Rico – the last remnants of Spain’s American empire In 1898 the U.S. battleship Maine exploded and sank in the Havana harbor The U.S. defeated Spain easily and took control and possession of Cuba & Puerto Rico U.S. involvement dealt with protecting American business interests The Debate over American Imperialism – Democrats and Populist against expansion

12 After the Spanish-American War, Spain ceded the Philippines to the U.S. for $20 million

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