Camping Stoves. Setting the Stage Last week we cooked meals over fires outside. Were there any advantages/limitations to cooking over this type of fire?

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Presentation on theme: "Camping Stoves. Setting the Stage Last week we cooked meals over fires outside. Were there any advantages/limitations to cooking over this type of fire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Camping Stoves

2 Setting the Stage Last week we cooked meals over fires outside. Were there any advantages/limitations to cooking over this type of fire? What type of “build” was the most efficient for cooking over?

3 Backcountry cooking is an art form and a necessity. There is no debate that healthy meals will contribute the overall experience for participants. A warm and filling meal results in a happy camper. Technology has evolved, and compact, lightweight stoves have allowed wilderness cooking to become a sophisticated skill. However, learning to cook on any stove is a skill that needs to be developed, and learning how to light and operate a camp stove is not a simple skill to master in one attempt.

4 Types of Stoves Those that use: Those that use: 1.Pressurized liquid fuels 2.Pressurized gas containers 3.Mixed fuel 4.Wood burning stoves

5 Alcohol Stoves Have the fewest parts of any liquid fuel stove and therefore are the most reliable. Takes more fuel to provide the same amount of heat as a white gas stove.

6 Bottled gas/Pressurized canisters Most convenient option for above freezing conditions because the gas is already pressurized and does not need to be pumped like a white gas stove does. Includes Butane, Isobutane and propane. Problems - Fuel canisters are not refillable, many leak and if the stove malfunctions and you have to throw it away and get a new one.

7 White gas stoves Additive free white gas (coleman fuel or msr) is the cleanest burning and most popular fuel for all seasons. Produces fast, hot, economical BTU’s. This stove has a lot of crucially integrated parts so being able to make field repairs may be a useful skill. People using this type of stove have the most accidents. This is the most common stove we use in Outdoor Pursuits.

8 Multi Fuel Basically the same as white gas but the jet is designed for burning fuels like gasoline and kerosene. A downside of this type of fuel is that you need to clean the jets before each use because the less refined fuels tend to clog the stove.

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